09.25.2023 counting moments until there are no more

1 year ago

Yabba Dabba Doo, It's a Flinstone's Christmas---
wait, that's not... well I do love the Flinstones.
"Day Tripper's Dead" and "Little Bonehead,"
2/3 songs from this video via 09/25/2023

&Music mixed in between is all rights reserved music LTG Music Lome Marsupial, as well as the 2 songs today.
but those 2 songs are spur the moment.
Had a few others on reso. guitar from 2 days prior to that that came out a little more contenuated. or less brash I should say. Brash is the name of the game, today, however.

These are brash temperament songs.
3rd song cut out is "short tempered attic of dreams" which is just a differently played version of "Love," and Little Bonehead is played differently here than the orig. I'll upload "Short Tempered Attic of Dreams" unless there is too much verbal pleading to do so!

for whatever oddest reason in the world, and an excuse to say to support whatever my independent creative ongoings,
the 3 songs are in straightforward raw mp3 file, also with the mega compressed boost, so they are textured and fookin loud,
so uh-huh, these are as song singles on patreon,
if you want to support and download them
from this post

I'm putting lots of raw files there and rant more about things every day
and go around

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