Wife Uses Card Game To Surprise Husband With Pregnancy Announcement

7 years ago

Check out how this woman totally surprise her husband with the news of the arrival of baby number three during a game of Cards Against Humanity. His reaction is priceless!No matter how many kids people have, when that next one is knocking on their door, you can bet that the news will come at a full surprise! Danielle Rivenbark knows that all too well, because when she told her hubby and dad of two other wonderful kiddies that baby number three is already there with them, playing Card Against Humanity, the man’s jaw just dropped and he fell absolutely silent. Don’t know if it was the news itself, or his wife’s incredible creativity in discovering exciting ways to convey some awesome news.

The game goes like this - players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using words or phrases typically deemed as offensive, risqué or politically incorrect printed on playing cards. It was Danielle’s husband’s turn to pick the best answers, but what he found in the piles was something completely different. And very correct, too.

“And the Academy Award for being pregnant with baby number 3 goes to Danielle...what?!” exclaims the soon-to-be-dad-again, clearly at a loss for words.

On her blog, danielle says: “Spoiler alert! I'm pregnant with baby number three. I found out in early May and kept if from everyone including my beloved husband for over a week and a half. It was KILLER, but worth it. Why? Because I wanted to surprise him.

“So I concocted a scheme to surprise him during a fun game of Cards Against Humanity. Check out the video below. His utter shock and lack of words says it all, especially considering my husband is NEVER... I repeat NEVER at a loss for words.”

Congrats, you two!

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