September 25, 2023

1 year ago

Are UFOs and their alien occupants part of an elaborate "Psychological Operation" (PsyOP)? Are UFOs actually manmade? Is the entire UFO phenomenon a massive disinformation campaign?
This video explores all these questions and more in the hopes of discovering the truth behind UFOs. It begins with a look at the infamous "Majestic-Twelve" papers and questions their authenticity. It also looks at a hidden world of finance, potentially smuggling trillions of dollars into Black Budget programs, which might include manmade craft using antigravity technology. The video also examines some of the earliest UFO cases, including the Kenneth Arnold sighting (where we got the term "flying saucers,") as well as the UFO crash at Roswell.
It is certainly possible that these incidents involved actual extraterrestrial spacecraft, but there are other incidents, like the Maury Island UFO sighting in 1947, that are provably government-orchestrated hoaxes — in other worse, a PsyOp.
But the key question is: If there is a sophisticated disinformation campaign to muddy the waters about UFOs.... why? What is the government trying to cover up?

#UFOs #flyingsaucer #roswell

Previous Video on Antigravity:

• Antigravity — America's Deal with the...


Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs:

Hidden Agenda by Mike Bara:

The Hunt for Zero Point by Nick Cook:

"Top Secret/Majic: Operation Majestic-12 and the United States Government's UFO Cover-up" by Stanton T. Friedman:

The Black Budget By Catherine Austin Fitts:

• The Black Budget | Catherine Austin F...

Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-Up:

• Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-Up (S1, E2...

UFO Hunters: Maury Island's Alien Encounter:

• UFO Hunters: Maury Island's Alien Enc...

The First UFO Sighting In America | UFOs: The Lost Evidence:

• The First UFO Sighting In America | U...

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