Prophet Julie Green - America Will Survive and Thrive - A Blessing To All The World - with Captions

1 year ago

In this video, Julie reflects on the deep spiritual connection between America and God, emphasizing that the United States was founded on the principles of faith and freedom. She expresses concern about the challenges and attempts to disrupt the nation, driven by fear from global forces threatened by America's blessings. She calls for unwavering belief in America's divine destiny as one nation under God and the importance of not yielding to those who seek to control and harm it.

Julie acknowledges the current difficulties, including a sense of discomfort due to the erosion of freedoms and justice. She stresses the need for the nation's citizens to unite, pray, and trust in God's plan, drawing inspiration from historical moments like President George Washington's prayers and the enduring faith of the founding fathers. The message conveys a strong conviction that, despite appearances, God hears the prayers of His people and will ultimately protect and deliver the nation from those who oppose it.

Throughout the discourse, Julie invokes a profound sense of faith and resilience, emphasizing the importance of believing in God's intervention and highlighting the power of prayer and divine guidance to overcome challenges and threats to the nation's values and freedoms.

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is still Sunday, September 10th, 2023. You will see this on Friday, September 15th. And the reason for that is because I am in Atoka, Tennessee. It was the Exodus and brother Timothy Dixon. And so I want to make sure that you receive these prophetic words and or encouragement or prayer, whatever that God has been doing for the rest of the time that I'm gone, I want to make sure you have these videos.

Now, I'm going to give you a heads up on this video. This is a very well, all the prophetic words are dear to my heart, but this one, I don't know if I will be able to read it. See, I'm already to read it without crying. You'll see why in a minute, but it's called America will survive. This is the first prophetic word that I heard on September 8th.

I heard it. Prayer time with the Lord, and I was by myself in my office here and then I heard another one that day on a prayer call. Before I get to this prophetic word, and before I start really crying, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Greene Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport Iowa, 52807. Okay, now this prophetic word again, it's called America will survive.

America will survive. America will live on. America is healed from all the damage caused by your enemies. America will be completely restored. America will regain the power it once had and the power that's always belonged to this nation. Everything that belongs to this nation will. be given back.

America will rise higher. America will stand strong and stand united. My United States will have justice once again. My America will conquer every enemy.

America, your flag stands for freedom and your flag will fly high and be respected and loved once again worldwide.

America, the darkness that has tried to destroy your light. Destroy your blessing, your assignment. That darkness is being destroyed by my light and my glory. America the beautiful, you'll be beautiful once again. America, you'll be the most beautiful, the most powerful nation in this world that I have assigned you to be.

America, that hope, the light, the beacon, the nation that blesses. Like no other nation, not only am I bringing back my David into power, but I am bringing back everyone with him that was stolen from their seats. Their positions will be restored. My children in this land of my eagle, hold on through it all.

Hold on to the times ahead. I'm not done with this nation. Your enemies will never destroy you and take away the calling upon this nation.

Arise, O my United States. Unite in my name. Unite in my love. Unite in one accord. And hold the line and stand your ground. You will not lose. And you will not be destroyed.

The coup against this nation will come down. And the infiltrators will all come out. And none of them will be left standing. Because of my love for you, I will not fail you. I will not forsake you. No, never. My nation is rising above it all. Do not fear. Do not comply to their lies. And their so called power.

My power will outlast it. We'll always overthrow the enemies against my children. So stand strong, stand bold, stand United, stand on my word. I am delivering you from this establishment and all their plans against you. My Eagle is about to soar higher than ever before. So America, my United States rise and take your place in this earth.

Where you were always meant to be, saith the Lord of Hosts. In this word, you can see the heart of God regarding this nation. I'm not saying it just because I live here,

but God,

this country was established for Him. Only country in the world that was founded on the word of God and the love of God to freely be able to serve Him.

This country

has been since the beginning. Of the birth. It's been infiltrated. It's been tried to be torn apart and taken down because of the fear that it brings to these globalists because of the blessing that is on this nation. This nation is one nation under God. Whether enemies like it or not and this is something that we have to believe and we have to stand and Never ever back off and never give in and believe that these people are truly in Control and they can truly steal a nation

that is blessed by Almighty God I know it doesn't look like it right now because that there had to be an awakening We had to get to this place where we are uncomfortable We're seeing our freedoms being torn away and justice not being served. We're seeing our country being single handedly torn apart, like all the nations around the world.

What's it gonna take for us in this country to stand up and say we will fight and we will never back off? And this country is not, this globalists, it's not the establishments. It's ours, and it's been given to us by Almighty God. What a blessing this country is, not just for us who are citizens of this country.

This country stands for truth. It stands for justice. It stands for hope. It's a light. This country is a light to the rest of the world. And they are trying to put it out, but they can't.

Because that light lives in you.

God's hearing the cries of His people. He sees the oppression, he sees what's going on, and he is doing something about it. Whether we understand all of his plan or how we're going to get to the end of it. We just had to know that God is faithful and we had to believe in that faithfulness. We have to believe in his love, not only for this country, this country, but for his children all around the world.

He's not saving just this country, but he's saving every country from the hands of these globalists.

It's time to know who we are in Christ. It's time to know who we are as a child of the Most High God.

We have to remember the first act of the first president of this great nation,

right after the greatest war, the freedom of this nation.

He stood there in the first act. George Washington did. Was to pray. He prayed as a first act of his administration and the government of this country Was to pray to Almighty God that we would never learn from him.

That's what this country Started to do.

There had to be an awakening to God.

There had to be a place Where we see the exposure of all the evil. Everything that the enemies have done to us without us realizing it.

I know I'm crying, I'm not sad.

I just feel a love of God for our nation.

I feel a love of God for his people and for justice. That's something that we have to hold on to. We can't give up now. I know it's hard and it seems like it's lasting forever. But it really hasn't. And it won't. God has promised us that he will deliver us all. There's a scripture in the Bible, and I've read this scripture many times before, but this is something that we have to be aware of.

We either believe God's word, or we don't. We hold on to it and make it first priority, or we don't. And I'm telling you, I know this God. He is the only God. The one true God. Our enemies? They serve their own. They serve their Lucifer. They serve Satan himself. They do. But we serve the one true God that kicked theirs out of heaven.

And we all know his end. And we have to remind ourselves of that end. Anybody he puts in power and anybody that he uses will have the same fate. Defeat. I want to read this because there has been countless people. That have prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and they think their prayers are not being answered because they can't see it.

2nd Chronicles 7 and 14 If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek, and crave, and require of necessity my face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. God will honor our faith. God will honor our prayers. No matter the enemies, what they're doing, God will honor our prayers.

There's a millions of people in this nation, millions of people around the world that are praying. They're praying for freedom. They're praying for justice. They're praying for their Deliverer to show up. Not once in this Bible has God ever, ever not done what he said he was going to do. He is a Deliverer.

Even when it doesn't feel like it, even when it doesn't seem like it. There's another scripture that I want to give about that time between when you start praying and when you start seeing your answer. I'm gonna try to stop crying so you guys can understand me. So

let me turn here.

This is Daniel chapter 10.

This is when Daniel was praying. Suddenly a hand touched me. This is verse 10, Daniel 10 10, which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands. Verse 11. And he said to me, O Daniel, man greatly beloved, and understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I now been sent to you.

While he was speaking this word to me, I stood trembling. Verse 12. And he said to me, do not fear Daniel.

From the first day

when Daniel was praying and fasting, those 20 days, it didn't look like anything happened. It didn't look like anything was going on. But from the first day. When Daniel prayed, God was answering his prayer, even though Daniel couldn't see it. Look what the angel said to him. From the first day that you set your heart, and understood, and humbled yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.

That angel came because of Daniel's words. Do

you know how many people are praying right now?

How many angels are at work? We just don't understand it because we just don't see it. Look what he said, verse 13, the prince of the kingdom of Persia, which stood me 21 days, behold, Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me, for I have been left alone there with the king of Persia. It is now I've come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come, and then he goes on.

The reason why I wanted to get to that is because, you know, he was praying for those 21 days, that day, he said, The angel told Daniel from the first day God was answering those prayers, the first day that we were praying these prayers, just think about this for a minute, the prayers that our founding fathers for this country prayed, God heard those prayers.

I, I'm telling you, I just feel it in my heart. They were praying the prayers that we needed for right now,

because they were praying the words that God needed spoken over this nation. You remember those words in Exodus when God said through Moses, let my people go. Those words are still at work right now. God has said, let my people go. God is not going to let us down. And in this prophetic word, when he was saying that miracle will survive, there's so many people in their hearts believing that our country is dead.

It's not. Dead. Because God is not dead. God is alive. And I will stand here and I will keep saying this is one nation under God. Not under the globalists. Not under the Washington establishment. It's not their country. It's not their country. country to control. It is not their country to ruin and to destroy.

It is not their country. Say, Julie, they're in power. They look like they're in power. But remember, who is the judge over all the earth? We've had judges let us down. We've had so many things let us down. When we look to man and what man can do, but God.

God's not letting this country die.

We have to believe that. Where's the fight in all of us? Where is that righteous indignation that's firing up on the inside? It should tell you there's been too many people, men and women, in our military That served for this country that died and some who've come back and have not been the same. They sacrificed themselves for our freedom.

They sacrificed for us. We can't let this country be stolen by these people. They don't have the power that's not big enough because they don't have a power that's bigger than our God.

They will never outsmart our God. And they won't have their way. Now I want to read this prophetic word again.

Watch this over and over again.

Share it with people who are about to give up and quit. And let them see and hear what God is saying. America will survive no matter what the enemies do to it. They will not win. And that's what we have to walk away with this every day and say. They will not win.

America will survive. And America will live on. America is healed from all the damage caused by your enemies.

America will be completely restored. America will regain the power it once had, and the power that always belonged to this nation. Everything that belongs to this nation will be given back.

America will rise higher. America will stand strong and stand united. My United States will have justice once again. My America will conquer every enemy.

I'm going to say that again. My America will conquer every enemy. That means the ones who have hijacked our nation. That means the ones who try to infiltrate our nation from other countries. No matter what the enemy is and where they are from, America will conquer. Every enemy America, your flag stands for freedom and your flag will fly high and be respected once and loved once again, worldwide America, the darkness that has tried to destroy your light, destroy your blessing and your assignment.

That darkness is being destroyed by my light and my glory, America, the beautiful, it will be beautiful. Once again, America, you've been the most beautiful, most powerful nation in this world. But I have assigned you to be America, that hope, that light, that beacon, a nation that blesses like no other nation.

Not only am I bringing back my David into power, but I'm bringing back everyone with him that was stolen from their seats and their positions will be restored. My children in this land of my eagle hold on through it all. He had me put that one in bold.

My children in this land of my eagle, hold on through it all. Hold on to the times ahead.

I'm not done with this nation, and your enemies will never destroy you. And take away the calling upon this nation. Arise, oh my United States. Unite in my name. Unite in my love. Unite in one accord and hold the line and stand your ground.

You will not lose. You will not be destroyed.

The coup against this nation will come down. The infiltrators will all come out, but none of them will be left standing. Because of my love for you, I will not fail you. I will not forsake you. No, never. My nation is rising above it all, and do not fear. Do not comply to their lies and their so called Power.

My power will outlast it all. We will always overthrow the enemies against my children. So stand strong, stand bold, stand United and stand on my word. I'm delivering you from this establishment and all their plans against you. My Eagle is about to soar higher than ever before. So my, my America, my United States rise and take your place in this earth where you were always meant to be.

Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. I want to read something. Remember what it says in Revelation 1 8. Revelation 1 8. I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

God is the beginning and the end. He knows exactly what our enemies are. Have planned and remember what he's been telling us that he's standing in between them and us I also want to read another scripture first corinthians 2 9, but as it is written What no eye has seen no ear heard the human heart conceived what god has prepared for those who love him These things god has revealed to us in the spirit.

So the spirit searches Even the depths of god. No eye has ever seen no ears ever heard What God's about to do, and that is what we hold on to.

Don't give in to what you are about to see.

God is warning us in this prophetic word, my children in the land of this, of the Eagle, hold on through it all, hold on to the times ahead.

And I'm saying that because there's going to be a lot of people

who aren't going to listen, who will not believe that God's going to do anything. And what's hard about that is because what kind of God do they think he is?

He's a good God. He's absolutely good.

So why wouldn't he save us like he saved people in the past? He is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever. And I want you to pray with me. I want you to pray

for not only this country to be beautiful once again and to be restored, but the calling on it, the assignment that this country has. It's supposed to be hope.

It's supposed to be a beacon.

This land is blessed so we can bless others. It wasn't for us just to keep it ourselves.

We're supposed to be this land that helps others.

And they've been trying to tear that apart

and using our resources against us and against other countries

and we had to pray for this thought.

So will you pray with me? Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name, we just lift up this country to you. Father God, we thank you for the prayers that George, President George Washington prayed. And everyone in our government at that time about praying for this nation. The protection of this nation, Father God, we thank you that this is one nation under God.

We thank you for liberty. We thank you for justice. We thank you for the freedom, Father God, that we have in this country. And we have as your children of the body of Christ, no matter where we live, it's something that Jesus bought and paid for. He ransomed us out of the hands of the wicked. So Father God, we stand this day united.

We stand this day, Father God, we pray for this country, that it is your country, that it is united, that we are one nation under God, that we are that light. That we are that beacon we thank you father god right now We proclaim and decree the restoration that belongs to this nation the restoration in every way Father god, we thank you for what you are doing for us We thank you that this nation is going to survive that we are going to rise higher than every adversity than every plan Of the wicked we are rising higher And we proclaim and decree it no matter what they do, Father God, that their plans will all fail, because they will all fall, no matter who they are, if they are against you, they will fall.

Father God, we thank you. We thank you for your glory. We thank you for this great awakening. We thank you for the healing and restoration of this land. We thank you for what you're doing in the nations around the world, Father. We praise you. And we thank you for everything that you're doing, even though we may not be able to see it yet.

But we proclaim this day that we are the United States and we are united in your name and in your love. And we will be that light and that hope again in this world. And we thank you, Father God, for restoring justice, restoring our freedoms and restoring everything that they have stolen from us. And we thank you for it, in Jesus name, Amen.

Never give, and never lose, no matter how dark it seems, or how impossible it looks. Don't ever quit on God, because you know what,

God would never quit on you, no matter what we do.

We are winning. Don't go by what it looks like, and don't go by how it feels, but we are. Winning, because we have victory on our side. We have the greater one, the one that created this earth. We have him on our side. He will fail and we won't lose. I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word.

Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

George Washington's Inaugural Prayer:

"Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large.

And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International

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