End Time Church Prophecy: Are We Living It?

1 year ago

End Time Church Prophecy: Are We Living It?

Host the Holy Ghost" book by Pastor Vlad.

"To know the Holy Spirit as your friend is life's greatest treasure, and this book will inspire you to seek His friendship above all others." @AndresBisonni

"Host the Holy Ghost is a gem-filled work. Pastors and leaders, allow me to humbly suggest this as a small group or leadership curriculum. I encourage you to read this and often revisit the truths upon which it expounds." @DavidDigaHernandez

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In this book, you will learn how to:
➡️ develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit
➡️ walk in true intimacy with Him
➡️ cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in your life
➡️ operate in His power and anointing
➡️ identify the danger of appointing without anointing
➡️ discern the true manifestations of the Spirit
and much more!

Sermon Notes:

Judges 16v26-30
1. Samson was born anointed – Church was born at Pentecost.
2. Samson went against the gates – the gates of hell could not prevail against the Church. (Matthew 16v18)
3. Samson sends foxes to the fields – Church releases revivalists. (Ephesians 4v11-12)
4. Samson killed with jawbone – Church wins with their mouth.
5. Samson compromised and lost his anointing – Church went through the dark ages.
6. Samson was bound, blind, and went in circles – the Church was without vision and power.
7. Samson’s hair started to grow – God restored the message and power to the Church.
8. Samson was led by a child – the youth will play a role in the last-day revival.
9. Samson had the greatest victory at the end of his life - God is bringing the greatest revival in the last days. (Matthew 24v14, Acts 2v17, Isaiah 60v1-3, Haggai 2v9, Daniel 2v35, Habbukah 2v14, Romans 5v20)
10. Samson lost his life in the victory - Persecution is coming.

0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Prayer does not just prepare an answer, it prepares us for that answer
3:50 - Church was born at Pentecost.
7:04 - The gates of hell could not prevail against the Church
10:16 - The Church releases revivalists
12:38 - The Church wins with their mouth
14:44 - The Church went through the dark ages
17:25 - The Church was without vision and power
18:40 - God restored the message and power to the Church
21:25 - The youth will play a role in the last-day revival
30:14 - God is bringing the greatest revival in the last days
35:09 - Persecution is coming
40:22 - Prayer for parents with spiritually lost children
44:20 - Prayer for healing
51:08 - Prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
57:31 - Host The Holy Ghost Trailer

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Message preached at @GlobalVisionBibleChurch

#Revival #EndTimes #Church #JesusChrist #Spiritual #HolySpirit #Bible #Deliverance #Prayer

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