James Kennedy - Planet Earth

11 years ago

Taken from the new album 'The National Health Service', released by Konic Records 2013
Available from -

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-national-health-service/id815302922
Amazon - http://www.amazon.co.uk/National-Health-Service-James-Kennedy/dp/B00IDT5VVS

Get my brand new album 'HOME' here now!

Official Store : http://bit.ly/2og3CSJ
Amazon : http://amzn.to/2nlRWJF
Spotify : http://spoti.fi/2nCjE6L
iTunes : http://apple.co/2lSpB02
Google Play : http://bit.ly/2oo7PkD
Deezer : http://bit.ly/2oofRKk

Visit www.jameskennedystuff.com for more info & follow @JamesKennedyUK on Twitter!

Video edited by Hugh Griffiths, using footage & original content generously provided by :

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Claudio Sipka - www.youtube.com/user/Claude950
Clinton Jones - www.youtube.com/user/pwnisher

Planet Earth - Lyrics

They flee from imaginary men in the sky,
Like flea's under the Stars
You can see the innocence in their eyes
But believe, they're a ticking bomb

And they went from Tribes to groups
Still controlled by the tiny few

Here on Planet Earth
Just a grain of Earth
In a Universe

With no-one to save them there, from themselves
You can see why send their prayers, to someone else

When they still use
The eyes of a hunting man
With the tools
Of Apocalypse

And they're suckers for a trick
Though you'll like 'em, you'll worry sick

About Planet Earth,
Just a grain of Earth
In a Universe

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