The KING of Toxic Masculinity - a Conversation with Cobra Tate in Warsaw Poland

1 year ago

the entire western world is they're on a path to just cock everyone all of history was built by men always has been and a future that isn't built by men has never been tested and i don't think it's going to work out particularly well for mankind what is a queer future like in what crazy perverse world are babies born in little test tubes and everyone's gay everyone most people in america literally just like america [Music] howdy folks i'm anthony dream johnson 21 studios here in warsaw poland i'm here with a man andrew tate cobra tate thanks for coming out man good to have you good night it's been awesome meeting you we met last night uh had some food cigars drinks a lot of drinks a few a few a few years before that too for like a day or something like that i quit drinking i i periodically for like seven years of my life i didn't drink yeah so periodically i like quit drinking for six months at a time so i decided to quit drinking yeah then i met you the next day yeah and 24 hours later i was drunk so that's that's how it goes i'm gonna do it again today i'm gonna quit again we'll see how long that lasts we'll work on it man yeah it's been uh so let's talk about you though you are you are one hell of a character in the manosphere you are like probably the ultimate bad boy in the manosphere our very own damn bosarian maybe even above that yeah i know i've got i've got some people who think i'm completely bad for the space i got some people who think i make the space interesting i'm gonna make myself clear i think you're absolutely wonderful for this space you and your brother both you know it's really nice to have someone say something nice about you once a while thank you friend thank you thank you i think the world needs a lot more bad boys and a lot more alphas yeah and i think that you know a whole part of being who you are and we all the things we preach in red pill is being unashamedly who you are like this is who i am zero apologies yeah zero apology and i don't it's not something i put on it's not something i fake people think i'm playing a character it's like no this is who i am this is what i do bam you don't like it don't follow me you know it's just and i think that's a whole that's that's basically what the red pill teaches but then when people do it some people get upset by it because they don't like what they see yeah am i supposed to hide and mask certain parts of my personality it doesn't make sense to me let's talk a little bit about your history too for the guys that don't know you you're a world champion kickboxer four times over yep uh you're a multi-millionaire you and your brother both yep you are both american and british we live in romania yep a couple more facts beyond that yeah so uh pretty mixed up history i was originally a chess player when i was a kid i started chess professionally um my father was a chess player and then uh when my mother and father split up we moved to england and i missed chess there was no real chess scene in england like there was in america so i decided to take up the next best thing to me was fighting and everyone goes chess fuck because chess is seen as like geeky fighting fighting to them they're very dissimilar but to me they're very similar it's still so you're born in america i was born in america yeah born in washington dc on andrews air force base so i was born born in the capital and then we lived in goshen indiana and then party town and then uh yeah moved to england so grew up in england gave up chess started kickboxing and then had a successful kickboxing career made a little bit of money and then ended up moving to eastern europe for a bunch of political reasons yeah there's a whole bunch of political reasons to be out here as opposed to western europe yeah it's my first time here in eastern europe at all and i am absolutely loving it i've toured other parts of europe scandinavia amsterdam britain shit like that yeah and this is i'm really impressed i've heard all the stories and it's next level it's the only place you can be free in europe left i mean really western europe is the dystopian future of the usa yes it's it's completely liberal it's completely cocked it's uh they've passed all these laws to censor your speech anything they deem hateful yeah is is even tweets and shit they're coming even tweets crazy bro i'll send you some newspaper articles there's a woman who misgendered a transsexual on twitter and got arrested in front of her three-year-old kid yeah put in a jail cell for 12 hours it's like it's insane because as soon as they pass laws saying that you're not allowed to say anything hateful against a certain group it sounds like a good law but then they just completely abused the law yeah so all these people are being arrested for no reason you can't speak you have an opinion yeah and it's all just going downhill very quickly so i like the way you put that though the western europe is like a dystopian future for america because i i was saying that the day that eastern europe especially not here poland it almost feels futuristic in a positive way for america it feels very positive and very masculine very feminine here like it's a very healthy uh very healthy culture i'm saying this is the crazy thing the crazy thing about it all is without a family unit without you know children and without people who are happy to be married and be together and and give birth to babies there is no future anyway yeah like we talk about future what's the future i read a new i read a newspaper article about that desmond this amazing kid and he was wearing a t-shirt saying the future is queer and i sat down and i thought okay but there is no such thing as a queer future it takes heterosexual sex to even create a baby what is a queer future like in what crazy perverse world are babies born in little test tubes and everyone's gay and it's just like the whole thing is messed up it's super retarded it doesn't make sense like you know heterosexuality it's wrong the future is masculine of course so we're working on it all of the history has always been masculine yeah and and patriarchal and all that yeah and females try and pretend that that's a bad idea that we somehow oppress them and that's why i think the biggest mistake is made because in my experience of the world and in fact if you look at the genuine history of the world all the hell men went through was to protect women yeah you know we were the ones who died in the titanic yeah to protect women we're the ones who went to war to protect our wives and children at home we if men really exploited women why did we not sit and send our women to war yeah because they can send their women we'll send our women it's a fair fight we'll stay at home yeah no we will do we built all civilization and they benefit from it absolutely yeah and and okay did they have a price to pay no they had a role to play they had a role and their role was to support us and that's very important and a very important role and it's absolutely not a role to be demonized or looked down on and it's nothing they should be ashamed of but all of history was built by men it always has been yep and a future that isn't built by men has never been tested and i don't think it's going to work out particularly well for mankind that's my personal view because it's never been tested yeah so we're sitting here going with that it's going to be great we don't even know yeah you know i'm 100 same page man and what we've seen so far with a female you know with the female imperative on society is it getting better i don't think site is getting any better it gets worse it gets worse because there's a whole bunch of reasons i could talk about this forever but just even the most basic things about the fact that how a lot of women aren't instinctively territorial and these kind of things you look at the feminist-run countries they also can't lead men men don't follow women like period yeah well exactly and they're thinking well if we feminize the men they'll listen to us yeah they may the western men that you feminize may listen but the psycho you let in from third world won't listen to you yeah so so then why because this is what's happening in sweden yeah the feminist run government the swedish men have become cupped but they've let in so many psychos the rape's gone up four thousand percent two years i think even in the west though western men they eventually just rebel or they just kill themselves suicide's super high depression all that kind of bullshit see that's crazy so let's talk about this so so you were known as a centurious bad boy in the manosphere you run campsite all these hot ass girls and shit you travel around the world drive super fast cars and shit uh you know even in romania with the roads and shit whatever hey man you gotta do what you gotta do but you're very pro family like me yeah a lot of people don't understand and they probably don't believe that but i do because i get it i'm on a very similar page abs absolutely people have this idea that you you must pick a side you're a playboy or you are absolutely not really a complete trad con and i don't believe that i was extremely happy with my upbringing if you anyone who's watched my twitter knows i was super i super really believe i had the best father in the world yeah and my father was absolutely a renegade he was a world level chess player who traveled the world played chess here and there gambled all his money fucked anything that moved and that's who he was and he was a hero and he's my hero like he was a g i never sat there though i wish he stayed home and watched cartoons with me and he had three kids and he had three children just yeah exactly he had three children that we know about maybe a couple others and and that's who he was and he did his job as a father fantastically and he could do it a couple days a week because a father if you're good enough and still discipline and still values yeah you haven't got to be there all the time i really do believe that's a mother's job and i was happy with the way i was raised and i look at him you know it's actually funny i'll tell you a quick story about him when my mom and dad split up uh we moved to england and my sister stopped talking to my dad because my obviously my mom was upset because he split up and my dad cheated and my sister stopped talking to me yeah and me me my and me my brother me me can we just explain the quotation okay we can explain it we'll explain to you um i'll come back to it in a second i mean she should have expected it i mean you know but um when my sister stopped talking to my dad me and my brother obviously still spoke to him and he said boys when you're older you'll understand now i'm older i understand yeah he fucked a girl so yeah so and this is what i mean by cheating this whole idea of cheating to me is it's it's it's propagated by obviously western society it's propagated by the the powerful females this idea that no man should ever dares fuck anyone but them and to me it's asinine i have i have a relationship i've been in a relationship for six years i fuck anything that moves she knows i do it yeah and she stays with me anyway yeah and and the reality is because i've never hidden it i've never lied about it yeah it's not it's her choice she can leave she wants to leave yeah she decides to stay with me because i've always been honest with her about who i am and what i want from life and i'm guessing she enjoys the hell out of that well you know she sits there and she she often says to me she laughs she goes these other girls they get with you it makes me laugh that they think you'd ever be any other way like it makes me laugh and i think you as you are gonna be the guy who's like oh okay i'll sit home okay i won't go out like i do what i fucking want it's delusional you know if you're if you're a red-blooded male and and you're living a life that you want to live you're going to do certain things now yeah if i have a woman who i love and i have women who i fuck who i don't love what she got to worry about yeah you know and and this is the this is debating the big thing with it and this is what i try and explain to some of the other red pill guys who don't like me is that really sexual exclusivity is just a matter of proving uh that you care about the person this is how a woman proves she cares about you yeah i'm sexually exclusive to you i care about you that's fine that's how women prove they care men can prove they care all their ways yeah i can say to my girl look you're the only one who i own a property with you the only one i take on holiday you're the only one i do this this this and this but i fuck about you guys yeah so she still knows i care about her above the other and the reason for that too is it's all about feelings for women right if they feel you'll care about them they feel you love about them then that's it absolutely the physical stuff it's whatever to them absolutely so when guys go to me all you're lying your girl wouldn't let you do that or she's fucking other people i'm like no that's not true that's the zero percent true she ain't touched she hasn't talked to any other men at all she knows what i do and she accepts it because that's who i am as a person and i've never hid that and i don't think it's an unhealthy attitude to have i really don't believe it's unknown i see it as a really high quality self-expression you just do what the fuck you're gonna do you're honest about it fuck yeah yeah and this is it when you all like the the pickup guys and red pill guys who talk about frame all the time and they're also in my frame and i say well well that's basically all i'm doing this is the life i'm gonna live yeah you're either part of it or not yeah but this is the life i'm gonna live this is who i wanna be i wanna feel free it's not about fucking girls it's to me it's not about girls it's about being free i don't like the idea of anyone telling me tell me what i can do yeah it's about being cobra fucking tape i mean that's what it's about i don't like the idea of having anyone a wife a chick anyone saying you can't do this yeah i'm i do what i want yeah if you tell me you tell me i can't i'm going to do it more this is fucking honestly that's how it is and you know they either they either comply or they leave and some leave and yeah there's a speaker you got to meet someday from the united states hypnotica eric bonsita okay he lives very similar life uh i think his ch his wife's romanian yeah he runs a strip club he fucks all these women but he loves them you know they've been together for like 12 years now exactly and kind of california is great he's awesome dude you like him a lot yeah perfect let's switch topics a little bit so we were talking last night about donald trump alex jones yeah what are your opinions on uh alex jones and then donald trump alex jones i think is one of the greatest man on the planet i really do hundred percent i think if you're going to judge a man by his passion and his patriotism then he's number one yeah there's no one more passionate and patriotic than alex jones yeah he loves america and he'll tell you that yeah you know and then he is who he is right he is who he is and some people say he's a bit crazy and he's a bit too far but my view is this it the entire world needs balance you need yin and yang and if you look at how crazy the leftists have become yeah and how nuts they are maybe he's a tiny bit over the mark sometimes you need some balance in the world because they've gone so far psycho land so you see him as a good push back against the far left crazy socialist communists we need alex jones yeah we didn't have him who would we even have besides trump himself who's genuinely conservative anymore yeah we don't even have anyone who's genuinely conservative and what's crazy is this i don't even really consider myself too much of a conservative although i'm kind of i've ended up there there's a whole bunch of issues that i don't care about i don't care about global warming is it happening maybe don't give a shit i don't i don't oh you know some people really deny it some people really believe in it yeah don't give a fuck i don't really care about abortion if women want to do dumb shit with their bodies and fuck their own lives up and kill their own kids go do it then like i'm not going to be the guy forcing women to have kids i don't care but all i really believe in is a strong immigration law and protecting your country and putting your country first patriotism and patriotism and as soon as you're patriotic nowadays you're instantly a far-right alt-right nazis yeah because you believe that your country shouldn't completely submit and throw its history and heritage poland of course is amazing for that this country they love that they're so in love with their own country it's amazing because they've been through shit yeah a lot of shit they've been through a lot of shit and they've been fucked up a lot of times by a lot of people and they finally got their shit together like no we're not losing we're not losing this again and that's and that's the thing and we all know the old adage that uh hard times create strong men strong men create good times i don't know we all know that and it's absolutely true america's had it easy for a long time yeah and and now everyone most people in america literally just like america they're sitting there saying oh this is not fair they're not nice because i'm this because i'm blacks i'm muslim because whatever whatever this place ain't good this place is racist this place this place will fucking leave then yeah and they don't understand that and many others yeah well they don't understand in most other countries you can't do that yeah you can't come to poland start walking around to have in poland saying pulling the shell yeah you can't do that so the fact they even have the freedom to do that shows how great a country america is yeah but there's some there's some huge experiment going on i'm not going to get too conspiracy theorists with it but the entire western world is they're on a path to just cock everyone and divide everyone suicidal yeah absolutely because all they try and do is they just divide and conquer they just get everyone confused and upset with their own little tiny issue their own imaginary racism their own whatever yeah so they can just control us all and keep us buying shit from yeah it's just consumerism that's all it is let's talk about donald trump what's your opinion on him i love trump man he's i mean he's the best we could have ever hoped for yeah fuck yeah but what kind of worries me is considering he's the best we could ever hope for and there's still a whole bunch of stuff that hasn't got done yeah doesn't that show how powerful the the people behind all this shit are yeah do you know like you've got trump who doesn't give a shit it's a big fight we have ahead of us you know and you've got the best soldier you could have as a president and he's still struggling to get the wall built he's still struggling still he's still people conservatives are being sensitive so we picked our top alpha we picked our top guy and we're still and we're still losing some not losing but we're still fighting hard on some of the important battles yeah so if the next guy isn't trump level or better i can't even think of anyone yet yeah we're going to be we're going to be in trouble but my opinion i think trump's kind of setting hopefully clears the field i think it's like a wrecking crew or like a wrecking ball yeah so the guy's after him i'm hoping for rand paul or someone like that yeah and rand paul and these guys are they're learning from trump i think they're getting more savage which is really good that's what that's what we need to do people need to finally get their shit together and just stand up and say no that's bullshit fake news you know she's the first guy in a long time yeah but this is what you need because it really is crazy that any american thinks it's a bad idea to put america first that shows how screwed they all these people's minds are propaganda means brainwashing it's it's crazy because if if russia had the most powerful economy in the world or china had the most powerful economy in the world do you think they wouldn't put themselves first yeah they would absolutely it's like playing poker when you play poker against a guy with a big stack and you've got the short stack and they put the pressure on you they squeeze you wait till china rules the world they're going to put a squeeze on everyone you think they're doing a nice trade deal with anybody they're going to put a squeeze on everyone yeah and here we are is america being nice oh well this is a small country so communism isn't very nice either well exactly you know they're totalitarian and that's why they're going to win if we don't do something about it so yeah i mean this is this is all the political stuff but yeah you know it's it's it's great to have someone who's actually in the white house who actually gives a shit about america sort of giving a shit about everyone else yeah first president in my lifetime that i'm proud of every single day yep my whole life i've never had a president like this yep yes it's been waking up in america now it's like a whole new life man it's awesome he's doing a fantastic job so i can't wait for i'm i'm going to make sure i'm in america on election night 2020 just i'm going to be in new york somebody's fucking a hillary supporter on election night he's awesome i was like are you only being grabbed by the pussy like it was fucking dope it was really savage i do like total total accident like that it wasn't set up like this i was like oh this is great they all set up trump supporters she was literally like in tears at one point when trump went there it was fucking bad dude i don't know if i should put this on camera whatever uh so talking about the west talking about america what do you think it's going to take to save the west how do we do that in your opinion just the basic facts yeah it's it's a big fight and i think that you with with everything in life it starts small and it cascades out okay and when we talk about it's difficult to talk about one issue without absolutely everything being linked yeah you know so we talk about a country where countries is a bunch of cities which is a bunch of states there's a bunch of societies and it's basically it starts you go down and down and down and down it's a whole bunch of families yeah families build societies societies build towns town build cities and it goes outwards so when the family unit is completely skewed and screwed up then your whole country's gonna be excused yeah this is the reality of it and and even i like i've been to 72 countries now i've been to a lot of places and even 73 now i've been no this is 72. okay so even in in eastern europe one of the things i noticed that keeps it together is maybe it's that okay communism wasn't a great thing but they had communism for a long time but maybe it's just simply they have stronger family ties here than they do in the west because it's tough baby because it's tougher and also like okay i'll give an example by going i've been on dates with 25 year old girls in romania 25 and they'll say i've got to be home at 11 my dad said so 25. damn you show me an 18 year old girl in america even because it gives a shit you know so even just just basic things like that and it keeps the the unity of the family together there's far less divorce i'm not saying people don't get divorced i'm not saying it's not perfect but they had this idea the older generation you get married you're married and that's how they they stuck things out a bit more and you know and when families sit together things things transcend across the whole society america used to be like that too but that's changed it's feminism past 50 years and shit so well the thing and we say we talk about families yeah we see families together this is going to fix everything well why do families don't stick together anymore because because what's the incentive for most men to put up with the bullshitter game yeah what's their incentive for men women are brainwashed too to fuck everything up at the drop of a hat in america we have no fault divorce they can get divorced for any fucking reason they want steal all your money steal the kids yep it's fucking crazy it's insane so what logical man would get married yeah and this is the truth like we're we're guys who believe in family and we're sitting there going what's the fucking point in getting married yeah it's it's a suicide it's dangerous as hell yeah yeah i really want to do it too it's like i know we were talking about that last night over dinner and you know i want to build a family and i'm trying to figure out how to do that i'm building conventions and finding speakers and ideas to figure out how to do that yep because i'm a 30 year old american living in florida you know born and raised like how the fuck do i do this it's like so fucking dangerous it's literally dangerous because you're signing up to being financially ruined you could end up in jail for not paying some child support this is gambling at this point man yeah it's crazy and this is a western phenomenon whereas in in the other countries like like eastern europe you don't have these problems yeah i'm like i'm working on a poland holy shit like the fuck's going on this it's like military walking by that's right you're fucking with poland but poland you know this is the first country i've ever seen in my life where i've never seen more families more babies more couples more toddlers running around grandparents pushing kids around everybody's like not everybody it's not fucking you know magical you know disney world here but these people are like happy they build families they're together the children are so well behaved it's unbelievable well when you talk about the children it makes me laugh a lot because i look at western kids and the shit they get away with and i think yeah i've never seen that over here yeah you're gonna scream at your parents i'm gonna kick the fuck these kids are happy too man of course they are but they're disciplined yeah which is which is which is which gives them a foundation for life anyway i mean i was i i was hit when i fucked up as a kid and my kid's gonna hit when he fucks up and i'm not gonna sit there and say anything else i'm gonna say it it's true if i sat and told my dad to fuck off i got a whoopin that's how my i was raised you know it was his house and i didn't like it get the fuck out yeah you know and my kids can be raised exactly the same but we have these all these new age experiments i think what a lot of this stuff comes down to is it's just new age talk which hasn't been tried and tested yeah i was talking with a girl once and i was saying about how i got hit and i'm going to hit my kid if he fuck so i'm also going to abuse my kid i'm just going to beat my kid up and saying if they make a mistake they're going to get slapped and she goes you can't do that that's bad for them it hurts their development and i said since the dawn of human time since humans existed kids got hit when they made mistakes yeah since we've done a human time we still managed to go from a small tribe to populating the entire earth we still went to the moon we still put the panama canal we built cities built the pyramids we did all these amazing things with kids getting hit built america reveal america and you're saying that it's bad for development look at all the things we've achieved yeah and now you're coming along saying we must stop immediately yeah and you don't know the future all i know is a past where kids had discipline yeah and things were fine yeah so now you're gonna come along people were chopping their dicks off all this tranny shit yeah and now look what's happening yeah and then like and none of the all this is new age garbage and a lot of is just down to a complete lack of discipline but it is when you remove discipline from a child's life then they they lack the ability to be disciplined right i mean boys and girls are different obviously and the boys without that that become little pussy you know so by bitches and shit well this this is the thing life is difficult rocky has the best quote on it i can't remember exactly but nothing's gonna beat you up as hard as life this is it life is difficult everyone has bad news all the time people come to me and they think oh yeah you've got this great like bro i'll tell you something this is god's honest truth story i bought 30 grand of a shit coin about two years ago and it got hacked a year and a half ago i didn't give a fuck i read this on the way to poland i checked with 676 000 damn so shit happens to people did you say it was shit coin you mean bitcoin no it was some little tiny point some project what the fuck some fucking bitcoin like a shitty shitty bitcoin but um but shit the things happen to people and and things are going to happen to everyone and even if you live the perfect life you're still going to have bad experiences because everything's relative yeah a small thing is going to be big and you have to learn to get on with it and be disciplined and if you don't have a disciplined upbringing you don't learn to go through hard times you're just going to end up one of those people who just is a complete feather in the wind you just succumb to your emotions and that makes you either a pussy or as a man also makes you dangerous these people these serial killers and these school shooters and these all these things these are people who just give in on their emotions instantly these are people with no self-control they never have fathers around they never know 99 of them in america they're from a single mother kind of type home or something no father around and they never had anyone sit and say to him i don't care how you feel you're not allowed to act that way yeah and that's it so when they feel a certain way they think i'm gonna act this way then yeah and and that's what's dangerous and then when they when people talk about oh toxic masculinity and all this garbage and we need to make men more feminine that's not going to make men it's not going to make the world safer having a whole bunch of men who give into their emotions instantly is going to create more monsters yeah a bunch of babies and a bunch of monsters confused and fucked up and all kinds of stuff yeah the the rea the reality of masculinity is controlling your emotions this is the reality of being a man they try and say that men should give in and it's okay to cry did i'm not saying you can never cry something bad doesn't happen to you i'm saying that the the tenets of masculinity since the dawn of time have been i was afraid but i did it anyway yeah this is the tenets of masculinity courage courage that's what courage is yeah i was afraid to storm the beaches of normandy but i did it anyway i was afraid to stay in the titanic but i did it anyway this is the whole tenets of masculinity and now they're saying all of your afraid just act afraid be a pussy are you familiar with jack donovan's work by the way i know him yeah i know some of this where i haven't read it all you like it a lot yeah it's good it's good shit all about the smacks masculinity the characteristics the virtues yeah but it's it's absolutely true yeah and and when i when a building's on fire you need a fireman to run into the burning building yeah so it's like it's just it's just some strange these women are acting out and what's crazy is this all of the women who believe in this you know feminism anti-masculinity garbage every time i've met one of them in person they're more desperate for real men than anybody oh yeah yeah every time i've ever met one in person after the first half an hour of it's just a fake show of course it is it's all fake and as soon as they realize you're a man that doesn't bow to their bullshit they want you oh yeah so it's not a bad they want the belt of course they do so it's all garbage it's all garbage it's just garbage on a macro level let's talk about you mentioned women let's talk about men and women like where in the west in america uk canada where have men and women gone wrong let's start with men and then go into women i think yeah both sides certainly have a part to play yeah you know both sides certainly have a part to play because women are the gatekeepers to the sexual marketplace this is the thing women are the gatekeepers we're the ones who want it and women are the ones who who stop us getting it effectively yeah so in many ways women could control the world and they could control the world completely differently than they do if if i had the ability to control all women if they said look i only want to fuck masculine alpha guys you'd have a whole bunch more masculine for guys around so you know in a lot of ways women drive a direction when women sit and go i want sensitive i want this i want that i want this this is where a lot of these pussy guys come from yeah because they sit there and go ah well they're listening to the bullshit coming out of her mouth which is all nonsense exactly yeah so i think some of the biggest mistakes men make is listening to girls girls don't know what they fucking want yeah girls don't know what they want ask girl she wants to eat she doesn't know what she wants they don't know what they want with anything well you mean she doesn't know what she wants on like a on like a you know very conscious level instinctually she knows what she wants absolutely instinctually i say this all the time to people because i have a courses and everything on how to get girls and people say to me oh advice on this advice on that and i say i say this all the time women don't fuck guys they like they fuck guys they respect yeah yeah plenty there's plenty of girls who hate me yeah you still fuck me yeah i feel like you know what you're a dickhead you're gonna find all kinds of girls blowing your dms up and it yeah all the time they're like literally oh you know you're a dickhead but it would be interesting to meet you yeah dude i dropped so commercials and shit you know all that you know the funny shit and girls just below my instagram and shit it's funny yeah nudes and shit i'm like what the fuck it's great this is how it is more so more so because because they because they want guys they respect it's not about like yeah you know it's nothing to do with like it's about respect so when when when guys take me okay well how do i make women respect me or i said how do you respect yourself that's the first thing no one's gonna respect you you don't respect yourself do other men respect you like how do you act in a way that commands respect from anybody yeah and this is what it's all basically about a lot of the red pill stuff a lot of the dating coach stuff one of the reasons i don't really teach games so much is i say look if you focus on yourself and make yourself be who you are being a high value male women will detect it and they won't be so difficult for you as opposed to trying to masquerade all the time and so then the specifics are same people men will figure out as they go on yeah and i think that's what it is i mean when i have sons and they ask me like what do i do about this girl that girl i say you just be the man yeah fuck her you be you and and that's the frame you need anyway a lot of the way i learned like the things i teach in the phd course and even having the webcam company i learned most of what i learned about girls from fighting because when i was fighting i was so preoccupied and so busy and i wouldn't let any woman take me off my mission because i know that i get in the cage and get an ass weapon she's going to leave me anyway so why am i going to miss train and take her out so you withdrew all the attention so i drew all the attention i was like no i was so focused on something else and i saw how crazy that drove him yeah so even when i quit fighting i was like okay well that's how you play the game you know they they want oh i want this in your opinion do women want dick more or attention well and this is this is the thing maybe it's a trick question it's well dick is dick is concentrated attention once again not to plug or anything but in my course we talk about weaponizing your attention because that's the only thing i managed to say what's the website it's it's and i've got a course on there that basically explains how i got girls to work for me for today's phd right a phd course degree fuck yeah i was wondering about phd pimping i've seen it i just didn't know what the php meant i was like it's just a phd in pimpology but um yeah i basically explained how i got girls and how i got them to work for me okay so it's not just about picking up girls it's about like converting them into really loving you enough to moving in with you and working for you and giving you all the money yeah i remember hearing your story uh you know privately one time on google hangout it was pretty epic story for yeah yeah it's badass shit yeah and and and i was very successful with the webcam company and you know i've still got i still do it now not as big as i did but i still do i've got some of my best girls with it but anyway the point is yeah in that in that course i teach how i got girls and how i got them to work for me and i realized that weaponizing your attention is the only thing you have that's the only weapon men have in the sexual marketplace your attention typically men give attention to get sex and girls give sex to keep getting attention so it's your primary kind of tool or resources that's your only resource yeah because even you talk about money and all this shit that's all garbage the only resource you have is your attention and the reason it's so difficult is because now women get so much attention for no reason yeah then why does your attention have value yeah you have to put value on your attention yeah so then how do you put value on your attention and like once again explain this to the course but i say everything with that's valuable like gold is scarce so i don't give my attention to any girl i'm not banging i don't follow you on instagram i don't fucking like your pictures like if you're if we're not talking and literally actively going somewhere might you don't get my attention because that's gives it a value and then they start good sitting there and start liking your pictures so i think this dude ignores me yep it's like well because i've got too many girls on the roster right now i got time for you they're waiting for that following yeah they're waiting for you like nope but most guys are so thirsty yeah and because once the girl knows that she could get you then she loses out you know like he wants to fucking dog yeah they want the fantasy they want the mystery they want the story absolutely and it's the same with us men i say this to all the guys i coach i say how many times have you had a girl and she was good on paper but she was just too available and you couldn't be bothered yeah so imagine now imagine it from a girl's perspective you're way too available for her it's not too complicated and and the crazy thing about all of this and i try and teach this in the courses if you approach this all like a game and you can be very cerebral about it that's fine but if you just make it who you are it's fucking easier for me it's who i am you're saying to you like rolo talks about like internalizing it i think that's what you're saying i've just become that guy yeah i'm that guy you you don't want to fuck me i don't talk to you yep fuck off and that's not me being a horrible person just like you don't want what you don't want to give me what i want i don't give you yeah bye well your time is valuable you're going to die someday i don't know what it's going to be i don't know so so when i'm on twitter and i'm arguing with these feminists i don't have female friends they're like oh you're just like no i just don't i don't want to sit around and buy dinner for a girl i'm not banging i don't want to yeah i don't want to do that i don't if i want to sit and talk i'll talk to guys i don't i don't see what i'm talking to a woman about unless it's leading somewhere yeah you know or or we have a relationship i don't see what the platonic we're going to discuss vampire diaries the fuck we're talking about ironically enough you live in your dracula's castle well yeah i'll give her a vampire diary we'll go up and stay there for the night you know you want to stay with me we'll talk otherwise you'll see any girls at dracula's castle you can you can you can rent the suite up there yeah oh yeah it's like a hotel yeah it's it's it's like it's like poland 30 years ago it's a bit more rough around the edges yeah good good sounds nice and nice and tough yeah there's there's no soy in romania yeah yeah there's not that they're fully right-wing so let's get a little more specific too about women how women fucked up in the west and how can they do better i have that thing you saw last night i had make women great again so i have a convent convention in building a 2020 for that in spring i'd love for you to be there by the way yep but how can women do better like in poland i'm loving it these women are doing a lot better than america yeah american women i already knew that beforehand but like i really understand that not being here like these women are feminine they know they're beautiful they're joyful they're graceful and shit yeah so beyond you know beyond what we're seeing here how can women in america do better how can they stop fucking up okay so that's a really good question and and my view on this is probably gonna piss off a lot of the red pill guys here here we go so buckle up haters motherfuckers so um my first view is this girls who instinctively just respect men by default because they're men are are i've met a few of them and i'm not sure that's a good idea and i'm telling you why girls who just go well i'm a girl and i respect men as a whole any man i respect they usually end up being hoes i kind of i've kind of detected it and i've seen like girls who just respect men by default end up just fucking loads of dudes because they respect mine by default and the guy who talks to them and they kind of just bucket loads of dudes you mean like they say they respect men or you like feel they respect men i don't know i've men who women who are just too uh when any man gives them attention well he's a man and i'm a girl and they just kind of give in too easily because because look the idea is we all want our girl to be ours don't we yeah so you don't want some other dude to talk to your chick it's like oh he's a man so you don't want women to just respect all men by default you want women to respect you that's what you want i like that my woman respects me and hates men my women is my woman will literally say oh guys i love you i love you you know so i don't have a real problem with that i think the biggest mistake women make is they they are terrible at attracting high-value men and then this just distorts their view of men as a whole do you know what i mean so and they have a flood of betas too like distorted movie as well absolutely so they're attracting high value men they're only fucking around with low value men and it's just a spiral it's a circle gets worse and worse and they just end up fucking all these losers and they hate men yeah they cock carries celia through the 20s exactly so they're terrible at attracting high value men because what happens is they deal with beta so long that when they meet a high value man they know how to act yeah and and this is one of the things with eastern europe is maybe it's because it's a poorer country and there's less economy but it's also a cultural thing they understand the best route to high-value manage their beauty yeah they know that and in the west we try and pretend that's a bad thing there is absolutely nothing wrong with me like your girlfriend she looks yeah there's nothing wrong with that yeah it doesn't mean that's all i like about her she's being a nice person too but there's nothing wrong with me seeing her and going fuck she's hot it's inspiring yeah yeah yeah this is why wars were fun the greeks and the romans and shit people died over chicks the beauty too is also the genes like that's what you want to like put a baby in there you go absolutely so there's nothing wrong with that and and women in the west have this idea that women that you should be liked for something more than how you look you know oh now i have to be like for what i think and this and this and this and the reality is sorry feminists sorry we don't give a fuck we don't most men don't we do on top of that they think they've trash ideas they're looking horrible yeah it's like like where do you want to go there exactly i say this all the time people have this weird conception that men and women need things in common and i say no we don't yeah we don't men and women do not need that much in common my girlfriend likes bullshit tv shows i don't watch i like kickboxing and chess and she's never done either yeah what what we what we need is a submissive woman a dominant man great sex and and find each other physically attracted a lot of sex i had a lot of sex and and make some stupid jokes yeah have a good time done we don't have to sit there and fucking like the same crap i think rolos is saying others too that you know sex is the glue of a relationship absolutely the less you have less clue you have well there you go false part as soon as as soon as your woman won't sleep with you man just because otherwise you're waiting for the cheat yeah and and on top of that while you're waiting for her to cheat if you talk to another woman you're the worst guy in the world well it sounds super unhealthy too who the fuck wants to be in a relationship are you not fucking all the time that sounds like incredibly stupid it's pointless yeah and what's actually a healthy sexual dynamic because men have to do all the work is the man should be saying no yeah my girl wants to six months stop she's going to do anything i'm the dude who's like and so and so what you're saying there is that men should be the leaders of the sexual component of the world you should be the leader of everything this is true leader of everything i can't think of any i can't think of any sociodynamic i can't think of any business dynamic can they have any dynamic on earth that's better with a female charge yep this is reality i agree and men have evolved to lead yeah you look at a human from you look at humans one thing i think women lead well is babies and children they lead like that well they're more closer i think the children yeah absolutely they're fantastic at raising children yeah but even even then specifically even then the man should lead the family yeah of course absolutely yeah but the woman should yeah she should do the baby stuff like the hierarchy the man leads the family you know she's beneath the man and the woman leads children kind of thing my question is this okay so if if the feminist imperative is is correct and that this whole patriarchy idea isn't something that's evolutionary and natural and it's something that we've instilled how come it happened in every single society across the earth since the dawn of human time yeah imagine the coincidence yeah for the aztecs and the ming dynasty on opposite sides of the world from brazil to china where the men to be in charge imagine the coincidence that in every society the eskimos in fucking sub-saharan africa who never met never spoke that just by coincidence a 50 50 coin flip in every single society in history ever and we're in charge yeah it's a very natural thing it's the way it's supposed to be it's common sense the math doesn't add up any other way yeah so it's like men have evolved to lead men should be in charges how it is it's the new age think experiment that's trying to convince people that's not the case yeah and it's garbage yeah and and i don't see society going anywhere better it's dangerous garbage yeah get us all killed man fuck that yeah yeah let's move on a little bit uh so you mentioned england you think is gone yeah there's a couple people still fighting for it you have pete paul joseph watson tommy robinson yeah sorry good guys like that brexit obviously yeah but your opinion england's is totally fine england would need a revolution today to try and undo the bad work and it's nowhere near coming we don't have a single politician who's anywhere even one percent right-wing every single politician is fully left uh you'll be like a modern-day church earlier yeah you need something crazy to happen yeah and and the only people left in america who are resisting liberal indoctrination are the other muslims and there's a whole bunch of them yeah and and this is why my view once again my conservative views are all screwed up because i'm almost on the team of the muslims now but then the only people you have left who don't want transgenders in schools the only people you have left who don't want to tell kids that being gay is is better than being heterosexual they're very proud of the family yeah they're the only people they have left who have families and have kids yeah they're the only people you have no one there's no other allies in the western europe besides them so in some ways yeah they're destroying your culture but in other ways sort of liberals yeah so it's like you know and and in the long run and my view is super pessimistic this muslim is going to win anyway they're out breeding and i think the average english woman has 1.6 kids the average muslim woman anyone has a 6.8 oh within 30 years without bread anyway so the fight's over done it's done it's not even close the population is going to overpass us so at least they have ideals which don't completely go down the liberal lunacy and it's it's amazing to me that the left what's funny is their cognitive dissonance the left they idolize islam and they idolize all their other bullshit and they're completely non-compatible yeah so the left is sitting there going what do i do what do i do yeah it's weird but in the end islamic wings they always do because they're uncompromising we were talking earlier about frame muslims have the best frame on earth no this is the rules no fuck you i'll kill you now i'll kill myself i'll kill everyone yeah that's how they are and you're like oh they take it that far yeah yeah but and and you know man like i said this is why i pissed a lot of conservatives off but this is the truth a lot of the reason the taliban are fighting americans a lot of the reasons they're they're literally fighting wars they can't win with an ak against a fucking predator drone it's because they're fighting for the right to to have their virgin wife in a burka literally pussy drives things on that level people don't understand that they look at the western cultures this is powerful they're pussies powerful they look at western cultures and look how western women act and they think i don't want that i don't want my women to be there's no wives there that's crazy i want this yeah and this is my society and they're coming along telling me they're gonna blow this up and take this away from me no i want a virgin wife at 16 who's going to obey me that's what i want if i have to fucking die to protect that's what i'm going to do and this literally that's the level i had a friend who's a very i won't say his name he's you can google him up he's a really rich guy lives in dubai and he comes to london to party all the time and we're in the clubs whatever whatever and he'll who looks me says look look around we look around he goes there's girls here to fuck but there's no wives here yeah he goes oh he goes i'll fuck you he says i'll fuck your western women i'm marrying a muslim woman yeah and it's like this is how they view the world america feels like that man there's plenty of girls to fuck but it's well it's not the best in the world but it's pretty good yeah but you know to find a wife or a mother if your children it's tougher than fucking things exactly that's crazy and this is why we are the age we are and we're not married and we lived in an islamic country we'd been married at 21. yeah and we would have five kids by the way and and this is the reality of the human condition this is the reality of the western world and most people don't want to accept it we can talk about countries we'll talk about governments all these things without children there's no future there's nothing else so you destroy the you destroy the motivation for people to have kids you're gonna lose to the people who do have kids you told me about last night you and your brother were talking about uh hungary they had a really pro pro family uh tax code right yep so hungry hungry passed the law recently if you have four or more kids you never pay taxes that's amazing yeah that is what the western countries need to do we need that america immediately we need to stop sending foreign aid immediately cut the foreign aid to zero introduce that law to make up for the lack of tax bank and you have american kids born on american soil fuck yeah instead of just importing people because every population is dropping yeah every population the western world is dropping every population that thanks to modern medicine every population the third world's exploding exploding you have people like nigeria's population has doubled in 30 years or something stupid and and where's the future it doesn't matter about policies doesn't matter about trump it doesn't matter about law future is who's left on the planet yeah and then us bro like this is a reality that's well put the future is who's left the planet who's left yeah that lives all that's going to be left is our only people left who are having families and they're sticking by their morals and they refuse to give up are the muslims south america you have some of this a little bit yeah i mean you do have some of it but my i think the future of western europe is islamic for that reason yeah and to a degree that pisses me off but then to another degree i look at how the people who were supposed to be protecting the country around europe has a really long history of warfare and fighting killing each other too so i'm kind of like seeing the islam you know and influx or you know influx into that europe always kill you know they always kill each other and shit so it's like there's a clusterfuck thing coming well yeah i mean it's i don't know what's gonna go down but i look at i really am quite realistic and logical about the world that the the weak perish and the strong survive yeah that's how it's always been so if if the guardians of western society i'm talking about europe specifically the guardians of british society refuse to protect their own culture and they refuse to protect their society and they refuse to inspire people to have children and they refuse to inspire marriage and they want to just demonize men every chance they get and let in the millions of third-worlders who don't play by the game whose fault is it that they're gonna lose it's their own fucking fault they signed the bill to their own demise yeah so they cheered about it and you know virginia before it's fucking crazy we're all gay and you can all come and have families it's like oh fucking what the fuck are you gonna leave are you gonna die so i had to left yeah fuck this shit so it's garbage man it really is america has a fighting chance eastern europe has a fighting chance but western europe is 100 done yeah i love the uh i mean i love america but my second favorite country in the world right now is poland yeah i'm amazed as part of the world's so badass yeah these people are these people are happy they're content they're building families they get along and shit yep um it's not perfect but i'm i'm impressed man i can't wait to go to romania and see more of it well this is the thing and and you know there's and i'm a mixed race guy i'm half black half white but also you can talk you can talk about multiculturalism and how it's a failed experiment and all these countries are 99 native populations yeah there's much lower violent crime yeah this is this is a statistical fact ironically i've never felt more well i visited about not 72 or whatever there's about uh 23 24 countries now i've never felt more welcomed in a country in the world yep outside of america this is amazing yeah like and it's one of the safest countries you can walk around in yeah girls walk around at night no problem in romania i was in a taxi when i first moved there and there's two girls walking about three o'clock in the morning i said you don't see that in london you don't see girls walking around at night you get a knife drastic exactly yeah and he said to me oh but i'm romanian romanians are hurt romanians uh when have you when have you ever heard that in america yeah well they're american i wouldn't i wouldn't go great kill them wrong on america we have a lot to learn from poland in these countries everyone's divided yeah so they're like oh fuck him he's this he's like i'm this you're that uh he's democrat he's this is that everyone's divided and this is how it is and all this division is sewn by the left anyway they're the most racist people of all these fucking psychos they say race racing everything yeah i don't give a shit they're obsessed with race they're upstairs race yeah i don't look at race if you treat me with respect to choose respect back i don't give a shit yeah but the left even if you're treating with respect because you're white you're bad yeah these people are completely lost and and they're they're the ones that are going to end it i think uh i think you mentioned maybe you mentioned this before but the fall of rome and how rome didn't lose an external battle when it fell it fell because in there was infighting yeah and there's a whole bunch of men who didn't want to join the army anymore and they all got decadent and ate grapes sat around there's a lot of crazy shit too with women and like you know training all the transgender shows all this crazy shit happened like just like now and when the barbarians turned up and they needed an army they said well why don't we just let some in instead and show them that it's better to be a roman don't let them all in and then before you know it the whole place is on fire history is fucking history that's how rome fell that's how the west is gonna fall yeah yeah it's gotta stop man it's uh it's just crazy man seeing history repeat itself it's like we can wake up and observe this we have enough you know technology we have books we have we can look at history and just put stop to it it's got to stop yep that's my goal man i want to kill feminism and i think it needs to die i think it's going to die one way or another is going to die yep how that happens you know we're going to find out well i think hopefully it happens the way through you waking people up that's the way we need it to happen the only other way it's gonna happen it's gonna be through some terrible events yeah you know you know muslims coming in and doing all that though on feminism in a fucking heartbeat either we can do it or they can do it we can take your pick absolutely but they they've taken shit yeah they're taking shit from nobody yeah so you know one of my favorite philosophers is actually a woman on rand and she had a saying that the most consistent wins yeah and everything yep and that's that really kind of hit me when you said uh you know they want to kill themselves yep that is how congruent their frame is they will fucking blow themselves up they won't play games i'll blow myself up you're gonna come here and try something to do i'll blow yourself up okay this is how they are let's get into some more uh some more questions here so you talked to me last night about build a family this isn't for one of my guys a question i got for you what's your quota for reproduction what's what's going on with that let's hear it let's hear it so um i'm aiming for i'm aiming for uh yeah i'm just gonna piss off the treadcons again sorry red pillars um yeah i'm gonna be having probably about eight or nine kids with about four or five different chicks oh great yeah that's what i'm gonna do go big or go home man yeah and i because i don't see why not and i really once again is gonna piss off the feminist fuck i'll piss you all off women are the oven so they're going to create my children but i'm the man and i'm going to i&ap

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