Samurai Shodown II Perfect Hack, Matches Big Bear Blue vs BIG-PE, 21-09-23, 真サムライスピリッツ覇王丸地獄変

1 year ago

Samurai Shodown II Perfect - 真サムライスピリッツ覇王丸地獄変

Samurai Showdown II Perfect keeps improving and suffering changes, for those who don't know, this is a hack of Samurai Shodown II under development by Bear.
This game suffered a lot of changes, like characters are jumping lower than the original game, an insane amount of moves in the game suffered frame and hitbox changes, there are 8 colors available and many more.
Again I bring you a set of Samurai Showdown II Perfect matches, the hack is still suffering changes, but this time I don't have much details about what was changed.
For those who have questions about this hack, the information that I have is that it will be available in the next Fightcade update, that should be released soon.

The matches were played between:

Player 1: Big Bear Blue
Player 2: BIG-PE

I guess for those who are fan of this game and want to play it to see how different it is, waiting for Fightcade to update is the way to go.

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