Funny Page Boy Roasts New Dad During Wedding Speech

7 years ago

Getting a new parent or parent figure introduced into your life can be really hard. You may not always see eye to eye and fight them in a lot of ways, but after awhile you start to really see them as a parent figure and someone you can rely on. You get more comfortable around them, even making jokes around them or even about them! That seems to be the case in this clip here with this little boy.

Page Boy Joel roasts his new dad during his wedding reception speech. You can really see that these two love each other very much as the boy is very comfortable around his new dad. Talk about hilarious and adorable! Surely these people will have a happy life as one big family!

What did you think of this video? Have you ever seen something like this before? We would love to hear what you have to think so please do not hesitate to leave a comment down in the comments section!

Please share this hilarious video with your family and friends as it is sure to make them laugh almost as much as it made you laugh! This is one video that no one should ever miss out on!

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