Property rights & religious freedom under threat in hospital takeover - Senate 13.09.23

1 year ago

In the last sitting week, Labor and the Greens voted down a bill that would inquire into the takeover by the ACT government of Calvary hospital.
This was an outrageous attack on property rights by a government that wasn’t even established at Federation.

Bob Hawke gave the ACT self-governing rights in the 1980’s. An unnecessary indulgence for what was supposed to be purely an administrative territory.
This action by the ACT government is nothing less than communism.

As a local says:
“Lately, the wider Australian public has perhaps become aware of some disturbing events in the ACT. The Higgins saga, when the capital was presented as a hotbed of youthful orgiastic goings-on, and the fiasco of the Lehrmann prosecution, seemingly impervious to inquiries, has penetrated into the wider electorate but those of us who live here are more agitated about what is happening right here that affects our lives.
Believe me, among the local population there was much more concern about the Calvary Hospital closure than Shane Drumgold's ineptitude.”

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