benefit of sweet corn

1 year ago

1 Rich in fibre5 Health Benefits of Sweet

Sweet corn is high in fibre which is essential
for overall health. It reduces the risk of stroke,
heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and bowel
cancer. Fibre also makes a person feel full for a
longer time.
2 Good source of antioxidants
Antioxidants prevent cell damage caused by
free radicals. Sweet corn contains vitamin C,
which is a potent antioxidant food.
3 Promotes eye health
Damage caused by free radicals can lead to
poor eyesight. Sweet corn contains lutein and
zeaxanthin which are vital to prevent cell
damage that can lead to cataracts.
4 Boosts memory
Corns are a good source of vitamin Bl which
helps people remember. The vitamin is often
known as thiamine.
5 Improves heart health
Sweet corn is rich in fibre which has the
properties to reduce blood pressure and
cholesterol. According to a review, people who
consume a high-fibre diet have lower risks of
heart disease.

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