The Blessings of God's Word - SEPTEMBER 2023 with Apostle John Eckhardt

1 year ago

Apostle John Eckhardt's September 2023 teaching focused on sowing seeds, prophesying blessings, and announcing an upcoming 3-part masterclass on wealth, riches, and righteousness.

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Now we don't do that today, this is under the law, this is under the Old Covenant but they're types of Christ, the new moon, a new day, a new month is a type of Christ. Christ fulfilled all of the festivals, Passover Pentecost, Tabernacles, new moon feast, Sabbath days is fulfilled in Christ. So we just use that as a template prophetically to understand some of the things that God wants to do today.

In Isaiah 66 and 8 it says from one new moon to another shall all flesh come and worship, from one and from one Sabbath to another, that's the picture of the kingdom and the language is prophetic. A new moon represents a new season and I've been prophesying new seasons for many of you that have been watching me. God wants to do something new, Isaiah 42 and 9, Isaiah 43 and 19.

And as I began to study, I never studied this before, I knew there were sacrifices that would occur during Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, got prescribed certain sacrifices to bring but I, I never realized there were also sacrifices that were brought in the New Moon festival and it was also a time for families to gather together and fellowship every month at the beginning of the month as soon as they saw the sliver of the new moon, the shofar was blown.

Now I've been saying that the shofar represents the trumpet, the trumpet represents prophetic voices, that prophetic voices do announce the new seasons of God. But as I began to preach this, I was in Orlando, preaching this past Sunday at Majestic Life Church, and as I was preaching there I saw that every new moon there was a sacrifice that was given. Of course there were a sin offering, all types of Christ, but the principle is this: when God does something new in your life and when you're coming into a new season, it may require a new sacrifice.

New Sacrifices for New Seasons
Something new that you need to do, what is sacrificing time in prayer, praise worship, the word of God, or a financial sacrifice. That a new season may require a new sacrifice. I never, I never seen it in connection with the new moon, which is a type of a new thing. And so many times when you're about to enter into a new season of your life whether it's ministry, business, career, God does ask you for a sacrifice, for a seed. And that is a key to breaking into something new.

Someone encourage you to do that, it may be something you've never done before, it may be a seed you've never given before. But if you believe in God for a new season, a new moon so to speak, then I would encourage you to sow a new seed or give a new sacrifice. And again this have to be money, it could be your prayer life, worship, timing the word, any sacrifice that you deem worthy of giving God. But it can also mean financial sacrifices or a seed.

So many breakthroughs, so many new things can be released in your life financially, your business, your ministry because you give a new sacrifice. I never, I never seen it in connection with the new moon, which is a type of a new thing. And so many times when you're about to enter into a new season of your life, God does ask you for a sacrifice, for a seed.

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