How The Pro-Abortion Far Left Views Babies | Jeremiah 1:4

1 year ago

Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4:
"Now the word of the Lord came to me saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you I appointed you a prophet to the nations." And this is how so called progressives regard unborn life ladies and gentlemen they compare it to broccoli and coal and say that you calling it a baby doesn't actually make it life well let me tell you something I'm a father of five children and I interacted with every single one of my children when they were still in my wife's womb so for people like her to sit there and say that those are not people that they are not babies just because they just so happen not to have come out of the mother's womb yet is absolutely atrocious
but doesn't surprise me for a worker of iniquity like this one

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