Biden Creates Office Of Gun Violence Prevention Staffed by Anti-Gun Activist

1 year ago

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Joe Biden just announced an executive office to ‘Intensify’ his gun control push and further restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

Under the guise of promoting "gun violence prevention," president Joe Biden pledged to use the office to “centralize, accelerate, and intensify” his administration's assault on the rights of responsible gun owners.

Biden has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to head this executive office, signaling his commitment to pursuing a radical anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Biden's rhetoric also includes a renewed call for banning so-called "assault weapons" and making a misguided statement that "If you need 80 shots in a magazine, you shouldn't own a gun."

This statement reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of firearms and their lawful use by millions of Americans who exercise their constitutional right to bear arms.

Stefanie Feldman, a long-time gun control policy advisor, has been appointed as the Director, along with Deputy Directors Greg Jackson and Rob Wilcox.

Jackson leads an organization aiming to address gun violence as a public health crisis, similar to tactics used in New Mexico to infringe on gun rights. Wilcox was formerly with Everytown for Gun Safety, a major anti-gun organization funded by billionaire Mike Bloomberg.

Notably, this office lacks any representation from pro-2A individuals or organizations. It is apparent that this initiative is designed to bolster the anti-gun lobby's influence and advance their agenda under the guise of "Gun Violence Prevention."

This video reveals the real agenda behind this seemingly innocent initiative and why it's a direct threat to your Second Amendment rights.

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