Full-Stack Blog App Tutorial | Next.js MongoDB Blog App Project Full Course

1 year ago

00:00 Introduction
03:08 Installation
04:15 Design Structure
06:25 Styles, Layouts, Containers
10:35 CSS Responsive Layout Tutorial
14:30 Next.js CSS Styles and Layout
20:00 Responsive Navbar Design
28:40 CSS Dark Mode Theme Toggle Design
31:25 Next.js Context API Tutorial
45:40 Next.js Responsive Hamburger Menu Tutorial
54:00 Blog App Featured Post Design
58:30 Blog App Category Component Design
01:06:40 CSS Flexbox (Content - Side Menu Design)
01:08:00 Blog Post Card Component Design
01:15:00 Side Menu Component Design
01:32:10 Pagination Button Design
01:33:20 Footer Component Design
01:42:20 Blog Category Page Design
01:45:05 Single Post Page Design
02:02:50 Next.js Login Page Design
02:08:50 Add New Post Page Design ([Medium.com](http://Medium.com) Editor Clone)
02:20:10 Next.js API, MongoDB, Prisma Structure
02:22:17 Next.js Authentication Tutorial (Auth.js)
02:26:10 Next.js How to Sign in with Google
02:33:48 Next.js MongoDB Prisma Tutorial (App Router)
02:42:50 Prisma Blog App Schema Example
02:58:50 Next.js App Router Rest API Tutorial
02:51:34 Next.js: How to Fetch Data on the Server Side
02:54:53 Fetch All Posts
02:55:25 Next.js Pagination Tutorial (SSR)
03:08:30 Next.js: Send a Query to API (Fetch Post by Category)
03:14:49 Fetch a Single Post with the User Information
03:21:30 Fetch All Comments of a post
03:23:22 Next.js Client-Side Data Fetching (App Router)
03:30:38 Create a Comment
03:33:32 Next.js SWR Mutation
03:36:36 Add New Post
03:37:35 How to Upload Image using Firebase
03:54:09 Prisma Increase Post View
03:56:40 How to Deploy Next.js App to a VPS Server
04:05:30 Outro

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