Dream Symbolism: Archetypes and Alchemy (Carl Jung)

1 year ago

An exploration into the nature of dreams and the unconscious mind, as the legendary psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw it. The unconscious mind speaks to us through the symbolism of our dreams. It uses archetypal figures, events, and other motifs. Parallels can be found in alchemy, mythology, and many other spiritual traditions.

In the second half of the video I give examples of dreams and their possible meanings in relation to Jungian archetypes and alchemical symbolism. In short, we should pay attention to our dreams, and the uncanny story told at the end of the video will make this very clear. Let's dive in.

#dreams #carljung #consciousness #alchemy #symbols #archetypes #mythology #collective #spirituality

0:00 - The Dream Phenomenon
2:17 - The Nature of Dreams
6:10 - An Archaic Mode of Thought
9:31 - Archetypal Dreams
13:26 - Individual Dream Symbolism and Alchemy
16:55 - The Terrifying Dreams of a Child
20:42 - Future Events Ripple Backwards in the Form of Dreams
22:20 - A Practical Approach to Dream Interpretation

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Sources & Attributions:
Dialogue Edit, Mixing, and Audio Composition by Jackson Roulston
Music licensed from Epidemic Sound
Footage licensed from Artlist

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