1 in 4 people of color with eczema feel ashamed

1 year ago

One in four people of color with eczema feel ashamed of others seeing their skin every day (26%), according to new research.

A survey of 1,500 people of color with eczema looked at their experiences of living with their skin condition.

While 72% said that other family members have eczema, one in nine shared that they don’t know anyone else who has the same condition.

Conducted by OnePoll for Aveeno, the survey found that half of respondents said that their eczema has had a negative impact on their life overall (49%).

Similarly, 30% think about how their eczema affects them every day, especially when it comes to doing certain activities or socializing.

Respondents find themselves avoiding activities that involve them spending time with others like visiting family or going to parties (30%).

One in five shared that their love life has also suffered, as they avoid dating because of their eczema (20%).

They also avoid making physical contact with others (29%).

Being active can be a challenge, too. Those surveyed avoid physical activities like swimming (30%), exercising or playing sports (20%) and walking or running for a long period of time (19%).

Thirty-seven percent of respondents shared that they feel insecure about their eczema every day.

Conscious clothing decisions are made every day to avoid options that expose areas where their eczema is visible (27%).

Respondents also keep a close eye on the weather and avoid going out when it’s overly warm or cold (38%), with some taking extra measures like wearing protective clothing to ensure eczema does not flare up (24%).

More than a quarter of those surveyed also avoid certain foods because of their eczema (28%).

To help combat flare-ups, 21% try to eat foods high in Omega-3.

But sometimes eating right just isn’t enough; 49% of people of color who have eczema struggle with their skin condition on a daily basis.

“Sensitive skin and eczema are skin conditions that can be managed with the right care,” said Sabrina R. Henry, chief principal scientist at Aveeno. “In addition to dermatologist visits, I recommend looking for topical products that have ingredients that soothe and nourish the skin, like oat. Oat naturally contains proteins, vitamins B and E, and nourishing lipids that work to lock in moisture for rough, dry skin and help maintain the balance of the skin’s microbiome for healthy looking skin.”

Thirty-six percent are wary of products that they may have a bad reaction to and another 37% admit that they don’t know what their skin needs.

Three in five attribute their sensitive skin to their eczema (61%); others noted skin issues like dry skin or psoriasis.

Respondents often moisturize frequently (53%) and only 38% bathe daily to help against skin flare or irritation.

If it weren’t for their eczema, respondents would love to spend more time socializing (34%).

“Everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin,” said Henry. “Understandably, skin can have quite an impact on one’s esteem and quality of daily life. With the right care and topical products, those suffering from eczema and sensitive skin can help nourish their skin and boost their confidence.”

Survey methodology:
This random double-opt-in survey of 1,500 people of color who have eczema was commissioned by Aveeno between June 21 and August 9, 2023. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

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