The Reason Jesus Was Baptized

1 year ago

Reason Jesus Was Baptized

It seams illogical for Jesus to get baptized at all. In fact, John the Baptist was puzzled by this and told Jesus that he needed to be baptized by Him.
In this video, you will see why it was necessary and how it was to take away your sins and my sins.
You see, Jesus didn't need to be baptized, and He didn't need to go to the cross. He chose to do it.
Because when we are baptized we are leaving all of our stains, our dirty sins, our old self is being buried in that water. So Jesus comes along, and is baptized in that same water, and soaks up all of our dirt and carries that heavy burden all the way to the cross.
At the cross he had all of that sin nailed to that tree. It was dealt with once and for all.
You just have to decide if you will receive that gift by letting that sin go to him. You cannot do it. Only He could and He did!

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00:00 Introduction
00:48 The Beginning of Jesus' Public Ministry
01:40 His Own Choice
02:33 He Was Not Guilty
03:14 Yet He Identified With Us
03:31 To Take Up Our Sins
04:07 All The Way To The Cross
05:49 Why Should I Get Saved?
06:57 How To Get Saved by Jesus

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