Wiley Information Network - Episode 10, Earth Wars Chapter 7 "Return of the OB1"

1 year ago

Thirty years ago, Mike Wiley was affectionally called OB1Kyote by his radio listeners after he led the largest rally in Florida history in 1994 to defeat Democrat Gun Control. This opened the door for Wiley to run for US Senate at the behest of Florida Gunowners, who felt betrayed by Connie Mack. As the son and grandson of Teamsters from Boston, Wiley believed he could defeat Mack in the General. Wiley's prediction was coming true when a non published secret internal poll showed Wiley defeating Mack in the General with the 1 million Democrat gun owners who always voted Republican in the past, but not this time. Hillary learning of these poll results feared the birth of a Pro-Gun. Pro Labor Jewish Democratic Senator from the State of Florida, who could debate as Wiley could, may be a problem for her future political plans to be Queen. She came down in time to help defeat the Pro gun Jewish Democrat by attacking Wiley as an "Anti-Semitic Jew" while visiting Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath, to keep the Jewish vote away from Wiley in the runoff. Wiley returns once again now to lead America to revolt against the Criminal Democrats stealing trillions from America's Working People and will be involved in helping pro-Labor pro-America candidates get elected in 2024.

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