🔥IDS APEX Knife Defense on the Ground for Concealed Carry: Top Half Guard Principles 🔥

1 year ago

🔥IDS APEX Knife Defense on the Ground for Concealed Carry: Top Half Guard Principles 🔥

🔥 Defending against an edged weapon attack on the ground while carrying a concealed handgun isn't just challenging – it's one of the ultimate tests of personal protection. But relying on a complex bag of tricks that doesn't align with real-world scenarios won't cut it – unless you're a grappling expert who trains exclusively for unlikely worst-case scenarios.

🚀 In contrast, mastering a concise set of core principles and context-driven strategies can be your lifeline in a moment of crisis. These skills are not just practical but can also fast-track your journey to competence.

💥 Introducing the IDS APEX Level 2.5 Weapon Defense for Concealed Carry Curriculum – a groundbreaking approach that empowers instructors to equip their students with the tools they need to protect themselves and their loved ones in the face of the unimaginable.

📽️ Dive into this short video for a sneak peek into excerpts and a real debrief from the IDS APEX Level 2.5 Instructor Certification Course. It's time to redefine your self-defense game and be prepared for the unthinkable.
Huge thank you to Greg Nelson for his guidance and inspiration 🙏

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