Pathetic beta male gets the vaccine, even after saying he wouldn't. He gets bell's palsy from it.

1 year ago

A worthless beta male by the name of Evan Thomas caved into peer pressure of the vaxidiots and went to a vaccination clinic to get the vaccine approximately 2 months after the initial rollout of the vaccine in early 2021. Now he has recently gotten bell's palsy and said "woohoo" after learning of his condition, as if it's an achievement to be proud of. MORON. Don't be surprised that most vaccine-injured victims will deny that the vaccine hurt them and even celebrate their illnesses for getting them out of pure retardation. Next year when more vaccine-injured people die, the mainstream news media will falsify all of their injuries and deaths as "covid cases" to justify more lockdowns and mandates. Most of the vaccinated will still comply and wrongfully shame you AGAIN for being unvaccinated. No matter how many times they get hurt by the death juice, these retards will never learn. Don't try to save these imbeciles. They can't be saved. They don't even want to be saved. They certainly don't deserve to be saved. Let them die.

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