Millennial Red-Pilling and the Future of Europe | Julien Langness Speech at 2017 AmRen Conference

11 months ago

Originally published on July 3, 2019

Author Julien Langness gives an insightful analysis of how the dynamics of generational change will overthrow the globalist order. He notes that his generation—millennials—were “raised with a sort of nothingness: No loyalty to family, nation, God . . . nothing. We were taught indifference, if not shame towards our ancestors.”

For millennials, the challenge is to reject nothingness. To shake off the blinders is “to exchange porn for procreation, student debt for meme warfare, video games for the shooting range, and Vicodin for the red pill.” The real counterculture, he notes, is now on the Right. The Left is stuck in the futile conformity of “social justice,” while we are bursting with energy and creativity. “If the ideology uniting all these people were anything other than what it is [racial identity], this new counterculture would be on the front page of every major newspaper,” he says.

Mr. Langness predicts that as baby boomers die off, there will be a political vacuum, and “millennials will take the reins of power by default.” The meme warfare his generation has perfected is opening the eyes of countless disillusioned young whites who will use their power to further explicitly racial goals. Nevertheless, Mr. Langness does not envisage an electoral solution.

Mr. Langness is an American author whose travels in Europe as a young man led him to Identitarianism and traditionalism. In one his last acts of liberalism, he was one of the youngest Obama delegates at the 2008 National Democratic Convention. He writes about Europe at He is a regular contributor to Counter-Currents, and is the author of Fistfights With Muslims In Europe: One Man’s Journey Through Modernity.

Mr. Langness's book released in 2020 called 'Catholic and Identitarian: From Protest to Reconquest' for sale: (Amazon)
*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.*

The line-up of speakers and overview of the 2017 American Renaissance Conference:
The rest of the conferences speeches can be found through links in the above link.
A summary write-up of how the 2017 conference went:

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