'Murdered! Scalia's Remains To Be Exhumed!' - David Zublick - 2017

1 year ago

Published on Apr 2, 2017

"The sudden and unexpected loss of the great Antonin Scalia was a blow to the American justice system that will be felt for years to come. A relatively young man, Justice Scalia was thought to be a conservative staple who would hold his seat for at least another decade. That dream came to an abrupt end when he was discovered dead of natural causes during a hunting retreat.
Scalia, who supposedly died of a heart attack while on this hunting trip, wasn’t autopsied when he died because at the time either no foul play was suspected, or it was ignored.
But new evidence is coming to light that may change everything we know about how this great man died...evidence which indicates Scalia was murdered. This evidence points to the possibility that the Clintons, John Podesta and Barack Obama may be involved in an effort to prevent the late justice from finding out the truth about something the Clintons did not want known. This evidence may also be related to the PizzaGate pedophile sex trafficking scandal. David Zublick brings you the latest in this special report!"

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