Last Days Pre-Tribulation Rapture

1 year ago

This was another of Pastor Doug Riggs' earliest interviews with GeorgeAnne Hughes, stressing the point that we, the church, need to wake up to the deception that is here in the church. “The church has been infiltrated by very highly crafted agents who present all the Christian vocabulary, and they are in high places of ministry, yet they’re full Illuminized – they’re programmed, and they have been engineered and structured into a weapons platform so that right in the church they are a channeler of high ranking principalities and powers to put the church to sleep, and to bring corruption and leaven into the church. And you try to mention this to even leaders who you think would know better; they think you’re from another planet.”
NOTE: I ‘happened’ to stumble on Amir Tsarfati’s well researched and presented Europe: Ready for the Antichrist (Amir Tsarfati: Europe: Ready for the Antichrist - YouTube) – that he presented at the Understanding the Times Conference 2016. This was the same day I edited the portion of Doug’s interview where he revealed the truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. I find it amazing how Amir, completely unaware of what Doug said 7 years earlier, aligns with him. However, Amir is probably not aware of the extent evil is so prevalent there – (i.e.: the satanic rituals underground). The survivors I’ve heard are consistent in their reporting of them over many years.
And the first time I led a group up on the Temple Mount, which I don't do anymore. The place is completely given to Satan, I believe. The first time I came, I went, I approached the Dome of the Rock. And then, of course, I stood right in front of that marble slab. And I saw that face of the beast looking right at me … I remember I saw it and I nearly passed out. I felt Such demonic presence right there, I totally believe that starting from Ezekiel 8 and then 10, the Spirit of God left that place long ago, I mean, on and on to the Mount of Olives and departed from that place. And as people worshiped Tammuz and other deities in that place and completely abandoned the worship of the true and the living God.
As I’m listening and working through this session, I am very aware of the seeds of future podcasts and teachings being formulated - the future What is the Church and the Day of Visitation series; the Blessed Hope and Celestial Court messages that will in time be presented.
Doug explains the most important key to understanding eschatology and the uniqueness of the calling of the church as very distinctly different from that of Israel as being the revelation of the mystery – that which was given by God to the Apostle Paul who delivered it to us, the church, in his prison epistles. Without it, we are lost in a quagmire of ignorant arguments the only serve to divide the church instead of unifying her.
“It’s not a ‘blessed hope’ if I gotta wait for Antichrist to come; and I gotta wait three-quarters of the way through the tribulation for a ‘pre-wrath rapture’. I’m not lookin for Jesus Christ – I gotta wait until Antichrist is on the earth for two-thirds of the tribulation period, and then I’m gonna get caught up. I don’t see any ‘blessed hope’ in that!”

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