6th August 2017 Contact session between both children & their father at bowling alley second half

11 months ago

This clip brings us the second half to this supervised contact session. It shows us finishing our lunch at Meridian Point McDonalds in Cleethorpes. Daddy ends up teasing Ayrton & Gabrielle with the chips, & Gabrielle was funny shocked that daddy would tease them that way. Both of them end up with ketchup on their noses :P. Gabrielle also reacts in a very funny way to her paternal grandma's age.

We then take a walk across the road to Cleethorpes boating lake, with Ayrton riding on daddy's piggiback this time, as per his turn. Along the way, daddy spots a very familiar bush, then explains to Ayrton & Gabrielle what it is, & what it's used for.

Upon entering the lake section, Ayrton finds funny the breed name of a dog coming across us, then daddy makes a lame joke, to which Gabrielle laughed because she had to :P :-)

We then arrive at the lake itself to feed several loafs of brown bread to geese, ducks, seaguls & swans at the lake. Ayrton & Gabrielle have enjoyed doing so dozens of times since being very young, it was mainly my initiative to encourage & influence them to respect other life forms from a very young age, encouraged to communicate & establish some trust & reassurance of not bringing any harm to other animals, they were discouraged from scaring or hunting animals down. It can be seen from the numerous clips I have already published, & much more to come.

During the feeding, daddy would play & mess around with Ayrton & Gabrielle, with Gabrielle trying to hide from him & then being punished for it afterwards 8-0

After the feeding ended, daddy encouraged Ayrton & Gabrielle to climb a tree with his assistance, & a friend's assistance too. Daddy is seen reassuring & encouraging both Ayrton & Gabrielle to climb higher, sharing with them that he used to climb some tall trees "back in the day", & why he was able to climb as high as he did.

They then had a couple of turns at playing hide & seek, hiding in the bushes & surrounding areas, but after a few turns, it was time to head back & end the session.

On the way back, Gabrielle went on daddy's shoulder, whilst Ayrton went on a friend's shoulders to race each other, but it looks like daddy put himself in the wrong gear to lose the race before it even began, ha ha.

Then the time came for our farewells. It can be seen that Ayrton & Gabrielle wanted to stay for longer, more than likely for much longer, but due to orders issued, it had to be terminated. Ayrton & Gabrielle kept coming back for more hugs & kisses, with Ayrton showing how sweet & loving he is by saying that the reason they were running late it's because they loved daddy & didn't want to leave, & later on running all the way back for another hug full of love. This happened from minute 48 of this clip.

It was rather frustrating having to tell them to hurry up & leave, not because they didn't want to, but because I had to tell them they couldn't, & all because of their mother's malicious untrue, unbased false allegations.

This clip has no edits except the spliting into 2 halves, because I want the original unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions to be published on this platform, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept appart from each other or not.

Highlights have been published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at www.justice4abreu.online to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching.

#supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #childabuse, #capcut #cleethorpesboatinglake #cleethorpes #cleethorpesmeridianpoint #outdoors #animallover #birdlife #hideandseek #treeclimbing #piggyback






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