How To Find Peace And Freedom Within Yourself In Just 12 Minutes With Powerful Guided Meditation

1 year ago

Meditation has been practiced in Christianity since the traditions of Early Christian Desert Fathers. In this 10 minutes of guided meditation Anthony Nayagan is Unlocking the Secrets of Meditation Techniques of Early Christian Desert Fathers.

Early Christian Meditation was based on experiencing the divine feelings in our heart and realizing the Self Awareness and Consciousness to further realize the Supreme.
Christian Desert Fathers were masters in Self Awareness and Consciousness as they nurtured a strong interactive relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Meditation on the Breath of God is an ancient tradition in Christianity as well as all eastern religions. If it is practiced with a observing mind that observes only the emotions and feelings as they evolve and in our conscious and physical being.
This is a 10 Minute Guided Breath Meditation -- Guided Breath Meditation to Calm the Mind and Body
Guided Meditation with the awareness of Holy Spirit within us is an ancient early Christian tradition practiced for Spiritual Enlightenment. Even in Christianity today, it is widely sought after by the people who have left the Church and seek a life in Jesus Christ.
Such Guided Meditation in the awareness of the Holy Spirit is also a Guided Meditation to Attain Wisdom.
Pray for the universal Inner Peace, joy and bliss

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