Haiii gais ❤️#autistic grateful for your kindness hacker got into my bank account

1 year ago

Your kindness, generous donation and sharing my content mean the world to me right meow 🐱 hackers have gotten into my back account making fake charges on my behalf, won't allow me to update the residential address, phone number, won't allow me to change my password on the bank account and already contacted possible English students, on-line partners and local clients lying to them about me to prevent me from making an honest living.

Family members have even told my former beach neighbours that "she's dead so stop calling here!" I'm right here, still alive and grateful to our Heavenly Father's Blessings for keeping me healthy aiming to become my best every single day.

Somehow all the online applications for a position this month have not replied so there's definitely something going on behind the scenes and that's why I value and appreciate all your generosity, donations, kindness, support and encouragement during this challenging time.

This must be stopped, please help by sharing or reporting to authorities that I might not be aware of can help me.

Thank YOU and stay BLESSED 🌟🙏🏻
#Stolenidentity #hackers

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