Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Sept 22 2023 - Kangaroo Court

1 year ago

Another Crazy Week in the Kangaroo Court!
It's been a wild ride this week with Byron's trial for his criminal charges for peacefully protesting and Bozena's constitutional question over the mask mandate in Quebec.

First, Bryon started off to a bumpy ride as his trial had to be rescheduled. Then he was on his own as the judge shut down Dave as his support. Things really heated up when the judge tried to dismiss Bryon's rights under the Bill fo Rights and would not acknowledge he could adjudicate on this rights! Jane, being the warrior she is, was again removed from the courtroom for addressing this issue.

Bryon did an excellent job, he held is own and he had another big success as the dropped another due to lack of evidence. He'll be back in court in two weeks, and we'll provide update once we have all the details.

Bozena arrived at the Quebec court yesterday, Thurs, Sept 21st, prepared to present her Constitutional question. However, once she arrived at the court she was swiftly arrested and detained for 3 hours all for the crime of having a cell phone on her person. They did not return her phone as they were confiscated by security and kept as evidence.

We are completely shocked and outraged at this absolute abuse of power and there will be legal action to follow on this.

Links from the Zoom:
- Court Case studies, includes motion of particulars, constitutional questions, etc:
- Norm's live with Dave Freedom:

Buckle up for the show!


DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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