Booba | Kitchen | Episode #1 | Neon Cartoon

1 year ago

#bobaa #bupa #bobba
#bobaa #bupa #bobba #booba #буба
Watch Funny cartoon - Animated Short Booba - Season 1 - Episode #1 -- Kitchen #Booba - all episodes in a raw
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​Booba finds some cheese in a supermarket. He wants to take it away but the cunning access frame doesn’t let him out.

Next episode: Coming soon!
Previous episode:

💬 #Booba is cute and inquisitive, like a five-year-old kid. He explores the world without anger or resentment, only joy, and wonder. He doesn't talk, although he does make sounds to express his emotions.

💬 Nobody knows where he came from, but he has obviously missed the last 100 years of human progress and explores modern locations with boundless energy and enthusiasm. His awkward movements, combined with a strong desire to #learn more about the world around him, often have #hilarious results! However, this doesn’t satisfy Booba’s curiosity, so his #adventures will continue in the #upcoming #series.

More funny videos of Booba cartoon:


ℹ️ It’s good to know that the original name of that small brownie is pronounced by small #kids as #booba, #bupa, #boba, #боба, #bobba, #буба, #buba, #баба, #bobaa, #بوبا, #bubba, #baba, #duba, #boombah and even #ﺏﻮﺑﺍ.

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