Fallout 4 VR Modern Tactical Overhaul | Kellog's Mind is Prime Real Estate | RTX 4090 i9 13900K

1 year ago

So I pretty much have a stable modlist now(I think)and I've decided to just try and stick with main story quests...in this video,I once again,jump into Kellog's mind(for the 5th time)in order to see what makes him tick etc and to further progress into the story,which requires finding the main protaganist's son and his whereabouts etc ya'll know the story,I'm sure...after that,I'm debating whether or not I should jump into the Far Harbor storyline...let me know in the comments on what you think I should do...I'm not good at making life decisions,nor am I good at even making decisions in friggin videogames...sad,I know.Enjoy the video:-) FYI I'm back using my Reverb G2 by the way,it looks very good and it's a bit sharper and clearer then the Quest 2...only downside,atleast for me is that the batteries on my controllers die pretty fast...I still like using the Quest though so I'll probably switch back and forth between headsets.

#Fallout4 #Fallout4VR #VR #Mods #ModernTacticalOverhaul #HPReverbG2

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