DOCTOR WHO - Type 40 DW60 SEASON: The Fourth Doctor | Tom Baker

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We're getting closer to the 60th birthday of Doctor Who itself: as months become weeks until the 3 new specials premiere on the BBC and Disney+ internationally. David Tennant returns, of course, reincarnated as a Fourteenth Doctor. Ideal time to revisit faces past...

Simon, Stephen and Dan recall the Fourth Doctor's era, from 1974 until 1981. Tom Backer's unequalled 7 season stint in the lead role was a time of massive popularity and cultural relevance for the series. His appearance and take on the Doctor would prove emblematic of "Doctor Who". Setting a new standard and lighting up childhoods the world over.

We look at his own life, times & spaces as part of our diamond anniversary coverage. Share your memories too, in the comments below.

*Originally presented as part of Type 40 Episode #135

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