@BillGates was in NYC this week saying “We need to support the global goals.” Which “goals” are

1 year ago

The Patriot Voice
@BillGates was in NYC this week saying “We need to support the global goals.”

Which “goals” are those you may ask?

The pin he is wearing is the symbol of UN Agenda 2030 “Sustainability Goals”

In a nutshell, they totally plan on REDUCING the global population by 90% by 2030 because according to these psychopaths, there are TOO MANY of us “useless eaters.”

The 17 sustainability goals are THE pathway to their New World Order (One World Government) Antichrist BEAST system.

HOW do they plan to achieve this???

Destroying all nation states/borders in the name of “immigration.”

Corrupting our youth with sexual immorality & degeneracy.

Destroying the nuclear family.

Poisoning our food with cancer causing GMOs.

Implementation of a worldwide CBDC/social credit score system.

Endless false flags.

15 Minute AI “smart cites” that will keep you in a digital prison.

Making ownership of ANYTHING obsolete.

To name a few…

They are RAPIDLY accelerating this agenda.

9:47 PM · Sep 23, 2023

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