September 24, 2023, Mark 4:35-41, "Surviving A Major Storm" (Live)

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[The calm before the storm.]
Mark 4:1, recall that Jesus and His disciples had to board a ship, earlier on in the story.
Mark 4:35, now it is evening time and the ship begins to cross to the other side.
Mark 4:36, the waters are calm and peaceful after the large crowds are sent away, and there are even other ships nearby
Mark 4:37, a storm begins to brew
Mark 4:38, Jesus begins to finally rest for the night, but the disciples are still in the company of the Lord of lords and the King of kings; the same Holy One who had power to heal the sick and lame, who they clearly witnessed earlier in the story

[Feeling betrayed. (Teacher, do you care?)]
Mark 4:37-38, the disciples become disquieted by the storm, and now all they could focus on was the immediate perceived danger; so they question His care for them as the ships weathers the storm
Psalm 65:5-7, the disciples knew of old, God always had the power to move mountains, heal people, drive darkness away, and command the winds and waters- for He created all creation. He who overcame death is also the same who calms the storms and the same who calms us.
Psalm 89:8-9, the faithfulness of God testified; all of His promises are yes and amen
Psalm 107:23-30, describes the same situation in Mark 4:37-38, and shows that God is able to save them. He is faithful to bring them safely into their desired haven.
Psalm 107:26-27, the plans of men (as opposed to the plans of God), where they reason within themselves to arise early and go out to do whatever... may lead them into storms they did not expect- into trouble they did not anticipate.

Mark 15:34, the prophecy in Isaiah fulfilled- the beating, wounding, piercing, rejection, and the hanging. At 3pm (ninth hour in the Jewish day), the clear testimony of Jesus bearing all the sins of the world. Also proves that God Himself is able to understand the feeling of abandonment.
John 19:30, He said "It is finished". He paid for all of our sins. He will not abandon us. His plans to reconcile man were NOT in vain.

Psalm 44:23-26, they cry out- save us 'for thy mercies' sake', that the glory of God would be revealed.

[The storm ends! (Not the way you expected.)]
Mark 4:39-40, Jesus rebukes the storm (ending it), and then He questions the disciples' faith in response to them questioning His care for them
Mark 4:17, Jesus already said there would be trials and tribulations in the world
Mark 4:40-41, He asks them where their faith went

John 1:1-3, in the beginning was the Word
John 1:1-3, the Word was with God
John 1:1-3, the Word is God
John 1:1-3, the Holy Trinity, and without Him was not any thing made that was made
Romans 8:19-21, all of creation groans and waits in earnest expectation of God

Psalm 55:22, casting all your burden on the Lord
Matthew 11:29-30, God's yoke is light
Philippians 3:8-10, no matter what happens, Paul is willing to go through all the challenges in life by being faithful to Jesus Christ, for nothing else matters
1 John 5:14-15, being ready for God's will, asking according to God's will, doing according to God's will
2 Corinthians 5, heavenly body

[ songs]
I Exalt Thee, 17803
How Deep The Father's Love For Us, 1558110
Breathe, 1874117
Just As I Am, 23206

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