Perfect Dark Combat Simulator Custom Setup (Actual N64 Capture) - Felicity

1 year ago

[Note: This video and description were originally posted on Youtube on March 29, 2016.]

This is a capture of one of my custom Combat Simulator setups in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator. This footage was recorded directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Perfect Dark cartridge.

I purchased Perfect Dark on its release day back in 2000 and proceeded to create various custom Combat Simulator setups, all of which are straight deathmatches. I am showcasing my setups because I think they're fun and people would enjoy trying them. Some of these setups are approximately 15 years old.

This particular setup is for the Felicity map, which is a modified version of the Facility map from Goldeneye. This is one of my favorites. The great thing about Felicity is that you can set up a base in different areas of the map. For instance, you can guard the stairs with a Laptop Gun and Proximity Mines, or you can guard the tank area with the RC-P120, Laptop Gun and SuperDragon. You can also just run around the map firing grenades with the SuperDragon. There are endless possibilities with this setup.

If you want to camp at the top of the stairs, make sure to stand against the edge of the double doors so that when an enemy Simulant opens them, you'll get pinned between the door and the wall. The Sims don't really know how to deal with that, so they'll just keep pushing against the door in an attempt to get to you, making them easy targets for a sentry gun. You can also use the X-Ray Scanner to keep on eye on enemy Sims while you're upstairs.

The Sims will sometimes get stuck above the toilets, so you can blast them with grenade rounds if that happens. Otherwise, feel free to load up that area with Proximity Mines.

Here's the setup for this game. Note that there's a DarkSim on my team.

Scenario: Combat

Arena: Felicity

1. Laptop Gun
2. SuperDragon
3. Proximity Mine
4. RC-P120
5. X-Ray Scanner
6. Shotgun

Time: 10 minutes
Score: 50
Team Score: 75

1. RocketSim (Dark Difficulty - Yellow Team)
2. KazeSim:1 (Dark Difficulty - Yellow Team)
3. DarkSim (Red Team)
4. FeudSim (Dark Difficulty - Yellow Team)
5. KazeSim:2 (Dark Difficulty - Yellow Team)
6. FistSim (Dark Difficulty - Yellow Team)

The background music is G5 Building X.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable with native widescreen mode enabled. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to standardize the N64's native 240p/480i signal so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard Nintendo 64 controller.

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