9/26/23 The Confusing 1,260 Days "The Prophecies of Daniel" part 2 S3E8p2

1 year ago

“The Confusing 1,260 Days”
The prophetic 1,260-day period first appears in Daniel 7:25 in the form of “a time, times, and half a time.” It has a specific prophetic and historical context that does not apply to any random time or event you choose. Today on Something’s Happening Here we study out time prophetic time period, both to establish that the internet meme from yesterday is nonsense, and also to lay the foundation for our 2-day study of Daniel 8 tomorrow and Thursday.

"The Prophecies of Daniel" Part 2: 9/26/23
For our eighth episode of Season Three, we keep our Prophecy Hats on all week long, to answer a prophetic-looking meme with a right understanding of the prophecies in the Old Testament book of Daniel.

Season 3 Episode 8
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