How to Create HND in Software Engineering | Operating Systems BTEC LEVEL 5 UNIT 49 Assignment

11 months ago

How to Create HND in Software Engineering | Operating Systems BTEC LEVEL 5 UNIT 49 Assignment
A primary software which manages all the software and hardware of a computer is an operating system. The operating system is also known as “OS”. The operating system is basically the bridge between the hardware and the users of the computer.

Table of Contents

Table of Figures:

1. Explore what an Operating System is

What Does an Operating System Do?

Operating Systems Aren’t Just for PCs

Where Do Operating Systems End and Programs Begin?

The Core of an Operating System is the Kernel

What’s the Difference Between Firmware and an OS?

2. Research the evolution of Operating Systems.

3. Discuss the importance of Operating Systems.

Operating System Basics

Operating System Options

4. Critically evaluate with an aid of a diagram(s) an algorithm that can be used to manage resources in an Operating System.

OS as a platform for Application programs:

Managing Input-Output unit:

Consistent user interface:


Functions of an Operating System

Processor Management:

Device Management:

Memory management:


Virtual Memory:

File Management:

5. Research the process of Memory Management in an Operating System.

Process Address Space

Static vs Dynamic Loading

Static vs Dynamic Linking


Memory Allocation


External fragmentation

Internal fragmentation


Address Translation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Paging


6. Investigate the process of job scheduling.


Process Scheduling Queues

Job Queue

Ready queue

Device queues

Two-State Process Model


Long Term Scheduler

Short Term Scheduler

Medium Term Scheduler

Comparison among Scheduler

Context Switch

Operating System Scheduling algorithms

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Shortest Job Next (SJN)

Priority Based Scheduling

Shortest Remaining Time

Round Robin Scheduling

Multiple-Level Queues Scheduling

7. Analyse and critically evaluate with the aid of a diagram, the importance of Resource Management in an Operating System to aid its efficiency.


Memory Management

Processor Management

Device Management

File Management

Other Important Activities

8. Discuss distributed Operating Systems.

9. Discuss Concurrent Operating Systems.

Coordinating access to shared resources


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