Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak – Reads the New World Order Agenda from a Secret UN Document

1 year ago

Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak reads the New World Order Agenda from a Secret UN Document: A new UN World order Agenda from 2021 – 2030.

1. Cashless World Currency
2. World Central Bank
3. One World Military
4. End of National Sovereignty
5. End of Privately Owned Property
6. End of the Family Unit -- Gov will raise children
7. Depopulation
8. Mandatory Multiple Vaccinations
9. Universal Basic Income
10. Microchip Implants
11. Global Social Credit System
12. Trillions of Smart Appliances connected to 5G Monitoring System
13. Schools and Universities run by Government
14. End Private Transportation
15. All Businesses Owned by Government - The Corporations
16. Airlines Government Controlled
17. Human Settlement Zones for the chattel to reside
18. End of Irrigation
19. End of Private Farms
20. End of Family Homes
21. Restricted Land Use
22. Prohibition of Natural Healing Supplements / Aids / Naturopathics and all Non-Synthetics
23. End of Oil

SOURCE: https://gloria.tv/post/SjQt3MPj3S172smuZhYSurw8j#10

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