American Despotism Historical Roots Part 1 | The American Spectator #news #currentevents

1 year ago

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Newt on American Despotism:

In my recent article in The American Spectator, which you can see at Spectator dot org, I talk about the role of the Soviet Union in trying to penetrate the American system during World War Two and shortly thereafter. And I talk about the really important issue of the fact that the American left rejected the reality. The most famous case was Alger Hiss.

Hiss had been a very important figure. He was a, you know, Ivy League, totally part of the aristocracy of the American system. People knew he couldn't be a spy. And what happened was he was identified as somebody who had been spying for the Soviet Union. Now spying for the Soviet Union. Doesn't just mean, you know, sort of a James Bond.

The Soviet model was to have people who had influence, to have them actually act as agents of influence to shape policy. Well, yes. Was very high up in the State Department, and very respected. He actually chaired the United Nations conference that organized the U.N. in San Francisco. He was at the major meetings with Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. And it turned out that there were serious accusations by a former communist named Whittaker Chambers, who had left the Communist Party in the thirties.

Became an editor at Time magazine and who had documents that indicated that Alger Hiss was clearly part of a spy ring working for the Soviet Union. This became a huge issue and became one of the centerpieces of defining American politics. Now, the truth is, we know today because the Soviet documents were released after the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, and we know that his not only was a spy for the Soviet Union, but he got the highest civilian award you could get from Stalin for having been so helpful and so successful.

Well, it turns out that there were about 500 Soviet agents operating in the United States in key positions in government and elsewhere. In the late 1940s, that became a huge controversy. And on the left, every effort was spent to discredit it, to say it couldn't possibly be true. It didn't really happen. But it did. And as I indicated in my article in The American Spectator, to understand the current crisis of our constitutional system, the current crisis about the rule of law and the effort of some people to create a totalitarian government that wants to dictate to the rest of us everything about our lives.

You have to go back to this period and you have to recognize that, in fact, we are dealing with several generations of penetration, several generations of networks that were helping each other and several generations of anti-American effort that has now blossomed on our university campuses and our news media in the bureaucracies and as a major threat to the survival of freedom in the United States.

That's why I'm writing this multi-part series at The American Spectator. I recommend it to you because I think we have to get to the heart of how big the crisis is, how deep it is, and how many different people are involved. Far beyond investigating Joe Biden. Biden is one tree in a forest, but the forest of totalitarian left wing activism is very real, very deep and has real historic roots.

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