The Silenced - Advocate For Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors Jailed BY Preditor Class (Elites)

1 year ago

The Preditor Class (formally known as 'The Wealthy', 'The Elites', 'VIP's', 'Political Class', etc.) at it again using money, power and influence to SILENCE those protecting and advocating for the preyed upon. Our children are more vulnerable than ever to becoming victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), Sex Trafficking and other forms of sexual torture and abuse.

Linda Honey joins Guru, and Kerri Sperandio, to discuss her campaign to free Wilfred Wong - a hero for trafficked and tortured children worldwide - and to highlight, the perhaps, DELIBERATE avoidance of the topic of 'The Preditor Class' and their threat to our children, by those with power and money, even at the Sydney Freedom Rally.

Linda Honey

Kerri Sperandio

Guru Dave Graham

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