Druids are unplayable, stance and targeting fixes

1 year ago

Here's the list of forms and corresponding numbers for macros. Additional forms like Treant and Consenting Mount form tend to drop a number if a previous form isn't learned. You can typically replace numbers in these meacros to make them functional for other forms (if possible).

1 - Bear
2 - Cat
3 - Travel
4 - Moonkin
5 - Treant
6 - Consenting Mount

/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form

Keeps your form from popping you out of itself.

#showtooltip Skull Bash
/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form
/cast Skull Bash

#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits
/cast [stance:4] Convoke the Spirits

/cast [@cursor] Spell of Doom

/cast [@player] Spell of Doom

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