this is what happens when ag listens to the radio

1 year ago

this song is underrated, i don't care what anybody says
i don't like it when singers laugh in their songs
this is the radio, can you tell
we really should have a miley cyrus album
finally remembered to bring the pixies
do yawl remember cd cases
for those that appreciate a breath of fresh air
my pronouns are i'm suicidal, imma try that "joke" tonight
people that make their mental illness blatantly obvious but we can't say anything
i shouldn't used mixed greens, that's why it's that colour duh
the breeders were pretty good
lead singers are typically controlling
have the power dynamic established before you start
ag creams herself over i know this much is true
one hit wonder that's totally gay
men have been effeminate for a long time
there's always been an androgynous element to society
a male musical genius is very in touch w/ his feminine side
modernity has stripped us of our roots
and it doesn't even do what it promises
i dunno how the fuck to get back to the pioneer stage tho
that's the bad thing about the radio amy

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