Clearing things up, really EES, Chiro 2, CDS, Olsky review, & really need the lovin & support

1 year ago

I thought that I would take the time to clear somethings up, as I've been new to making videos and going live. I have no problem stating things that need to be said even it's commenting as well, it's called free speech. You have those who feel what works for them should work for everyone, when that is not the case whatsoever. In life it's one damn thing after another as no one is perfect, let's do the best that we can and be better than we are now presently. Don't forget about "situational awareness."
I reviewed what's been going on with my Chiropractor treatments since my diagnosis with Scoliosis and with Stenosis in my neck. I have been going there from the past seven weeks and have eleven weeks to go with a total of 36 sessions for 18 weeks. I'm getting stronger and had my pelvic area adjusted because it was off that was causing me a lot of pain. I'm still in the process of healing of ups and downs. While I'm taking care of my elderly Mother with her high anxiety, diabetes, laziness, memory loss, and she has a brain aneurysm behind her left eye that is unstable.
Why I've been after Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) to see if this could help others including my Mom and myself? Because we tried the EES for a two hour session as the effects even though it was positive did last temporary. But I had reservations about EES especially when they are charging $15,000 to have a Qube in one's home. Including going to the EES costs $60 per hour to sit in a room and supposedly relax. Again, I am not endorsing EES, but after what I found they have no plans to lower their prices. Their warranty is only for one year, but won't cover the costs should anything to their products as they expect you to have insurance. They won't have this stated on their website. Nor would they have 60-day money back guarantee as other companies do. I was hoping to put the pressure on EES to lower their prices if more men and women contacted them through email and/or by phone and to be reasonable, things could change for the better and maintain the emphasis of quality over quantity. There is a lot we don't know about Scalar technology with the EES, especially how long the effects last no matter how much or how little time one spends because everyone's healing is different. So for now, getting one's anatomy corrected involves through professional chiropractor means or surgery.
With all of the health stuff, I'm just stating common sense and experience, as you do what works for you, I am not giving medical advice what may work for one may not work for another's situation.

One has to consider one's time that is most valuable. Without trust and loyalty there is no meaning.
Also, I went over the google review of the chiropractor place that I go to. I gave my review of the Olsky a Chiropractor device that is a gun deep tissue handheld electric muscle massager with ten different heads. When I picked up the device, the ball was coming apart despite it being brand new and cleaned off as I used this before demonstrating. There was black stuff coming out of that, including the Olsky massager itself that was very loud and hard to increase or decrease the intensity level. When I did place other heads and eventually increased the intensity level, the heads fell off. During the video, I didn't bother demonstrating the other heads, but only showed the one head as I had enough with Olsky and was nervous about using this on my neck and my spine as this caused more pain for me earlier in the week. Please don't use this on your neck nor your spine, it's meant to help temporarily for your muscles only. Anytime a product that has black stuff coming out of it and the product is not working as it should is a defective product. As I rated this a C and am returning this $25 from Amazon.

I talked about how to make the Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) of use glass jars, glass sealant, using over 20oz of filtered or distilled water. Also I forgot to mention, when you are done making the CDS, don't place the shot glass or a somewhat bigger glass of making the CDS of 12 ml in with the water with the finished product. Place that in a separate bottle and place that in the refrigerator.

Also, I really need the lovin and support right now because I am not getting the support whether it's through praying, sharing, subscribing, and/or donating. Just so you know each of us does what they can in their own time. It's true that our whole system is based on consent. Anything that promotes control, depopulation, and separation from God are promoted to the nth degree. There is so much to consider is it not? I would appreciate any assistance that you can to support me. We human beings are the only species that has to pay to be here. Please consider one's time as well. I am not feeling the love nor the support that this Honeybadger Squirrel needs.
I'm doing the best that I can with the time that I do have. I'm trying new things, including getting on the dating bandwagon. I showed screenshots of my interaction with Carlos, who was on Christian Dating For Free Yes he wanted to know my views on the Bible, but when he found out I was a Flat Earther and called me a Loony. Just FYI, I straightened him out big time.
It's tough to find a guy who would be understanding and while taking care of my Mom. I am doing what I can to help her with the best of my ability. Including finding ways for her to be more independent so I can go out and do things outside of home. Towards the end of the video I did give a shoutout to JP Sears while wearing "I will not comply" t-shirt. Including calling Alex Stein a "hottie" and "hot stuff", because I am interested in guys like that. After I am done with this video and going live on another video, I'm taking a break as there is plenty of information you can go through at your convenience. The point of my channel is to raise awareness, be informative, question everything, and this is not for entertainment purposes. Reality is you can't wake up everyone. There will always be something else and yes, life it too short. The only ones who can change is ourselves, that includes improving ourselves and as Jesus said about cleaning the cup from the inside out, something to think about isn't it? Please take care and God Bless.

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CDS products with free shipping
How to make CDS
Olsky gun massage deep tissue handheld electric massager

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