Juno House

1 year ago

When our clients first set out to purchase a row house and embark on what they initially envisioned as a modest refurbishment project, they had no inkling of the transformative journey that lay ahead. Their initial plans were clear: renovate the kitchen, create an open connection to the living room, add a new bathroom, and give the entire space a fresh and updated look. It seemed like a straightforward endeavor. Little did they know that they were about to embark on a renovation odyssey that would reshape not only the house but also their expectations.

As the construction work commenced, our team quickly discerned a disconcerting truth: the quality of the house's original construction left much to be desired. Each level of the house appeared to be a patchwork quilt of humble and substandard materials. The tipping point came when the floor slab on the main level nearly gave way under the weight of our ambitions. It was a heart-stopping moment that forced us to halt operations and conduct a thorough analysis of the situation. What had begun as a simple refurbishment had now snowballed into a complex intervention, one that would affect not only the house's structure but also its very envelope.

Amidst these challenging and unforeseen circumstances, we found ourselves standing at a crossroads. It was no longer feasible to proceed with the original plan. Instead, we were presented with an opportunity to embrace the potential of a clean slate. This was no longer about tweaking an existing structure; it was an invitation to start anew, to sketch our vision on a blank canvas.

Our clients, a young and expectant Swedish-Spanish couple, had a vision that resonated deeply with their Nordic sensibilities. They yearned for a home that embodied the principles of openness, luminosity, and functionality. Unlike many families, they had no need to isolate the bedroom from the rest of the living spaces, except for the two bathrooms. Their dream was to fortify the visual relationships between each space while preserving the innate versatility of the layout.

With this bold vision as our guiding star, we embarked on a redesign that would breathe new life into the row house. Walls that once demarcated spaces were dismantled, creating a seamless flow between the living room, kitchen, and dining area. Natural light was embraced as a central design element, with large windows and strategically placed skylights infusing every corner with a sense of openness and vitality.

In the spirit of Nordic design, we chose materials and color palettes that reflected simplicity and elegance. Light wood accents, soft and soothing hues, and minimalist furnishings converged to create a serene and welcoming atmosphere. It was a visual language that spoke to our clients' desire for a harmonious and functional home.

One of the most striking departures from convention was the absence of traditional bedroom isolation. The sleeping area merged effortlessly with the communal spaces, forging a sense of unity and freedom in the house. The two bathrooms, in contrast, were crafted as private sanctuaries, offering moments of solitude and respite.

In the end, what could have been a renovation fraught with setbacks and disappointments transformed into a remarkable journey of reinvention. The challenges we faced only fueled our determination to create a space that not only met but exceeded our clients' aspirations. The result was a home that breathed with the spirit of Nordic design—open, luminous, and incredibly functional, yet adaptable and versatile.

In the world of construction and design, sometimes the unexpected leads to the extraordinary. This row house stands as a testament to the power of vision, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of a dream.

Nook Architects
Project details
Year 2015
Work finished in 2015
Status Completed works
Type Single-family residence
photo : nook

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