Unleash a Higher Love Awaken Your Body Mind and Spirit | Paul White Gold Eagle #meditation

1 year ago

Unleash a Higher Love Awaken Your Body Mind and Spirit | Paul White Gold Eagle #meditation

🔥 New on Patreon and Youtube Membership - Healing Meditation of Transformation by the Sacred River with Native American Flute🔥

patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/healing-of-by-89132682

youtube members link: https://youtu.be/IrjNLLPyE4I

Join Paul White Gold Eagle on this special Meditation of Healing and Transformation. White Gold Eagle guides you through the Journey within, at a very special and Sacred Portal by a river and waterfall. Paul also plays a Native American Flute during your meditation. Much Love and Blessings in the Light. Namaste 🙏🕊🦅


Send your body mind and spirit all your love all your bliss all your joy Tell your body you love it Love you body love your heart Send love to your heart center your heart chakra the middle dantian Let it fill with the gold light of Buddha of the Christo Sophia consciousness of love of God's love the great spirit the great mystery that fills your void with life with breath the breath of light the chi the ki the prana the mana of heaven filling your body with the sweet nectars of light


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