Urgent! Reclaim Your Soul Now!

1 year ago

#soul #soulpurpose #ascension #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulawakening #spiritualcoach #spiritualguidance

Never before has it been so URGENT for you to Reclaim Your Soul!

We are living in a Matrix - a Simulation - that is designed with all of it's distractions and temptations to "take you away from your Self/Soul"

We know that algorithms control pretty much everything we see on social media but we are surrounded by subliminal messages in our daily life too. We just don't know it. Well, most people don't, and even those that do, often forget. It's like a type of chronic amnesia.

It's all set up specifically to "tweak" your consciousness and make you think you want certain things that THEY want you to want and to behave in certain ways that they want you to behave in. It makes you more controllable that way...

They are manipulating you to the point that you don't really even know yourself anymore.
You don't know what you want for your life and you don't know your own power to create that life. You are so limited. We all are until we can see through the simulation and that's what I'd like to help you with - to help you SEE clearly what's going on here.

When you have become disconnected from your Soul you think you are powerless and that's exactly what they want you to think.

You are NOT powerless though. Nothing could be further from the truth. HOWEVER you MUST reclaim your Soul NOW because without that Soul connection you ARE easily controlled and that's what they want. Why is now so important? Have a listen....

Don't be want they want you to be. Reclaim your Soul now!

DM me for details of my upcoming course - Worthy and Wealthy Woman - starts 12th October 2023

Karen is a PsychoSpiritual Coach, Soul Purpose Guide, Multidimensional Healer and Teacher. 

For over 25 years she has taught all aspects of psychic development, healing, meditation, channelling and mediumship. 

She has developed her own modality - Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - as well as a Quantum Visioning Process which produce profound results and literally bends time and space.

She is a Lightbody Technology Specialist and maintains direct communication with the Source and the Founding Races of this planet. 

She has been a Speaker at Spiritual Festivals and Events around Australia and has conducted mass healing and activations for hundreds of people at a time. 

She mostly works with spiritual women, empowering them to become the best version of themselves that they can be by becoming authentic in all aspects of their life and she encourages all of us to uncover our own unique gifts and talents and to share them with the world. 

Website: https://www.karenantara.org

IG: https://www.instagram.com/karenantaraenergycoach/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/karenantaraenergycoach/
FB Group: Awake. Aware. Sovereign and Free:

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