Sound Thoughts with Pastor Marvin McKenzie 9-23-23

1 year ago

Welcome to "Sound Thoughts with Pastor Marvin McKenzie." Today is September 23, 2023.

Cancer update

Men’s Prayer meeting this morning
Matt Nolan spoke on on Satan’s prayers in the book of Job.

Upcoming at Bible Baptist Church…
The Northwest Leadership Conference is Friday and Saturday, followed by guest speaker Dale Bigham on October 1-2.

Messages tomorrow
God wants to bless you
Mark 6 “Give Ye Them to Eat
Bro Daniel Robb preaching in the PM service
We hope to see you there, as we seek wisdom from the Word of God.

In our world this week
A preacher friend asked me to review and comment on a messsage he had been sent.

• Separation of Church and State - Her...

On this day in history, September 23, 1780, Benedict Arnold's treason is discovered by 3 young patriots

Matters of Prayer
* Leaders of our world,
* Those serving for our protection - police and military
* Salvatiojn of souls
* Cancer fighters, Chloe Rochester, Kelly Anderson, Anita
* Limited restrictions regarding COVID and freedom of worship

May I ask you to drop by Amazon and do a positive review of any of my books you have read.

Daily Visits with God podcast
Subscriber numbers are climbing for this podcast.
If you or someone you know is
* Depressed?
* Discouraged?
* Disappointed?
* Tired?
* Afraid?
* Hurt?

Subscribe and urge others to do subscribe and got through the Psalms with us.
Daily Visits with God Podcast

I’ve just begun to record courses for Soound Baptist Bible College on Youtube. I began with the first course which is a survey of the Bible called “Especially the Parchments.” It’s going to be a very slow process. You can view what is currently done on a new YouTube channel called Sound Baptist Courses.

I've created several more items on teespring. com

I've also added more books to my Amazon page. I've been working on better descriptions, search keywords and categories. And then I was also able to organize them into series: Sermon series, Study series, discipleship series and baptist series.

Amazon author page
Almost 100 self-published Bible study books. Plus some other good books too!

teepring merch
t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, and other merchandise with Marvin McKenzie’s own designs.

Here is a link for my ‘Bible Study Series” books.
The link to Ko-fi is an opportunity to support this effort to reach a world of souls with the Word of God. I would appreciate any gift you can give.

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