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"Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked."
- Proverbs 25:26
In the realm of the outer limits; home to the unconventional and sensational world of fringe beliefs; the First Amendment protections shield even the most outlandish notions from legal consequences. That's why the most recognized figure in this domain, having faced what he had; doesn't arise from a legitimate legal basis.
Discussions on this topic are generally ignored by the public. Ideas such as the flat earth theory or the moon landing hoax, are only cherished by the true believers. These notions are often perceived as "newsworthy," akin to the sensational tabloid stories found in publications like the Weekly World News (which was published from 1979 - 2007 and continues online at:
The crux of Mr. Jones' issue did not lie in his alternative worldview but rather in his juxtaposition as a proponent of traditional values, which is in stark contrast to the prevailing Woke ideology, that challenges these "traditional American" principles.
Although such actions conflict with fundamental American principles, they do establish a legal precedent. As grim as these developments are; it's important to use this as a double-edged sword.
Since those who abuse the system are limiting the rights of Americans; the only way to counter this action is through legal action, aimed at various personalities; from public figures to the media. Taking such action is a huge means with alleviating the repression affecting America.
The attorney featured in the link above, is ready to help fight unconstitutional moves, like those suffered by Jones. Those committed to making change, can contact him for representation in such cases.
The details about him can be located in the description section of the video post; which is just below the title and the channel's name but above other suggested material, provided by Rumble. Additionally, similar support can be found with the links below.
The last organization on this list does not deal with legal situations but it is very effective with helping spread the word about any corruption.
Regarding the "alternative world perspective:" this is a construct by those within the bureaucracy. Its purpose is to influence the general population. While the use of propaganda and manipulation of information is not a new concept; such methods were notably utilized during wartime. They aimed, not only to boost public morale, for combat but also to deceive the adversary.
The Cold War era witnessed a unique form of warfare, that involved tactics like infiltration and insurgency; shaping the landscape of conflict in the 20th century, particularly with regards to communism.
Even prior to World War 2, Soviet expansionist efforts had begun in America, during the 1930s. The impact of these endeavors could be observed during the cultural revolution of the 1960s, a legacy that continues through various movements, such as the contemporary Woke movement.
Following the conclusion of World War 2, with the development of dangerous technologies that brought about the end of the Pacific conflict and the necessity to counter the global expansion of Soviet influence; the United States prioritized controlling information flow and ensuring the support of its population by presenting "news" deemed advantageous by the authorities.
Incidents like the famous Roswell incident of 1947, in New Mexico and the activities of individuals who sympathized with the Soviets, such as Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, among others; underscore the necessity of psychological manipulation strategies.
A significant aspect of these tactics involves what is currently termed as "toxic behavior," which includes techniques like gaslighting and its consequences, such as Stockholm syndrome. The construction of negative associations with the fringe, serves as a clandestine method to foster group conformity.
The act of labeling someone part of this alternative group, serves as a mechanism to immediately dismiss their views and portray them and their followers as irrational. This tactic continues to be quite effective, even today. If we observe the widespread rejection of proven to be authentic information but cast it aside to embrace only the narratives provided by "authoritative sources," it becomes evident how impactful this labeling strategy is.
Sadly, the individuals tasked to be guardians, have rogue elements that are corrupt. Their priorities do not align with the well-being of the common American citizen or the principles outlined in the Founding Documents. Despite their vows, they are cast aside to fulfill their own agendas.
Within the realm of the alternative world perspective, there exist three distinct categories (this is in reference to solo or celebrities within this world, not the followers).
It is necessary to facilitate the use of Arthurian symbolism to easily summarize the diversity of personality archetypes in this realm. Moreover, the metaphor of the "kingdom" extends to various aspects of community, organization and governance.
The rise of movements that address issues like gender inequality and racial injustice, illustrates that the battlefield has shifted to public discourse and societal engagement. These knights leverage moral authority and communal support to challenge oppressive systems.
White knights, in particular, play a significant role in the Arthurian mythos. Unlike the storybook tales of "white knights," these individuals are not necessarily those who engage in physical conflict but rather support the kingdom by upholding the ideals and principles in which their leaders and systems operate. They rise to the status of knights, as they strive to expose and combat corruption within their society.
These modern-day knights operate not with swords but with principled actions, emphasizing the values instilled by their leaders and organizations. Figures of recent decades, such as Malala Yousafzai, exemplify this form of knighthood. Malala, through her advocacy for women's education, fights societal corruption that pervades her homeland, while exemplifying courage and conviction. Those who generally fall into this category are patriots, as well as those that earned the title, whistleblower.
"Gray knights," distinct from their white counterparts, harbor skepticism towards the purity and virtuousness of the system. This group aims to challenge and transform any perceived wickedness they encounter. Their numbers surpass those of the white knights, as many harbor unfavorable opinions of the political, economic and corporate frameworks in place.
Despite the enchantment broken from the grays; where the kingdom no longer is wondrous; there is still hope for change. Many of those who are disillusioned with the system, served in the military and saw the ugliness that exists within. Despite this, they remain patriotic and aspire to a better world.
Lastly, we encounter the "black knights," comprising two distinct factions. The first faction consists of individuals who hold such contempt for the system that they anticipate its collapse. Typically anarchists or communists, they seek to dismantle the existing order. The second faction of black knights operates as minions of the bureaucracy, members of the "alphabet-soup gang" responsible for propagating misinformation to the masses and establishing influential positions within the system. Their goal is to steer aspiring individuals towards conformity and control.
Individuals with mental health challenges, would never be classified as white knights, due to the varying complexities of these conditions, prevent them from perceiving institutional structures as beneficial to their well-being. Often, they are black knights, rather than gray.
This intricate web might initially appear perplexing but it is essentially a situation where Americans inadvertently fund gaslighting practices. Taxpayers unknowingly finance employees of the system, who operate undercover to propagate various notions.
But why does this occur? These agents deliberately fabricate false and often extravagant narratives, all with a specific purpose in mind. By showcasing these narratives as absurd and associating them with alternative groups; they effectively reinforce the stereotype that anyone who entertains such ideas are delusional, backwards, primitive, idiotic or crazy.
This in turn, exerts a subtle control over the average American; nudging them to align with the narratives presented by mainstream media outlets such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNN and the various sponsored programs on PBS. Despite concerted efforts by the mainstream media entities, to discredit individuals like Mr. Jones; his popularity continued to surge; indicating a significant challenge to the establishment's influence.
The typical procedure for discrediting individuals, who are deemed undesirable and have a presence in the public sphere; begins with their public humiliation. The initial step is to do everything possible to make the individual appear foolish, as a way to silence them effectively.
If the person's success or prominence continues to rise, despite the initial attempts; the next phase involves resorting to blackmail or exploiting moral issues, to tarnish their reputation. 45/47 serves as prime example of an individual targeted in this second phase.
If no incriminating evidence is uncovered or if it fails to diminish the person's popularity, the third phase is put into action. This entails spreading false information about the individual with the intention of causing embarrassment both to the person and their supporters.
Should the earlier strategies prove unsuccessful in removing the individual from the public eye, the fourth phase is initiated. This phase can be best described as "total warfare;" where individuals are hired to protest at the person's residence and events. Legal measures are pursued, including any possible actions to incapacitate the individual's financially, emotional and psychologically states; where most ultimately exit the public sphere.
In extreme cases, where the targeted individual is unwavering with shedding the light to the public; these have the rare instances of encountering phase 5. Which facilitates the early retirement of those who try to make enemies of the state.
That said, we must return to Mr. Jones' work; which led him to this precarious predicament. The sources he uses to obtain his information are easily identifiable. While some of the sources he gathers information from are reliable, others lack truth worthy facts. In any case, he can be described as an individual driven by a sense of duty and a desire to share information (he's clearly a patriot, of gray knight status).
Accessing trustworthy information can be challenging, without the appropriate clearance. For those seeking credible insights, without having to join the bureaucracy; the John Birch Society (JBS) is one of the best that exists. Established in 1958, one would presume that an organization committed to anti-communism would have flourished into a significant political entity by now.
Even though the system was infiltrated by communists, the blind eye was taken by the establishment (at least during that particular time) was the result of the military-industrial complex. They were beholden to America being the global police force. War is their business and being in the nation to head up a lucrative opportunity, the temptation to give into the worse aspects of human nature came into play: avarice.
Although their influence is evident in our day, it was not fully recognized at that time. This entity focused on maximizing profits through utilization of its leverage within the bureaucracy. Consequently, efforts were made to silence any opposition.
To stop the JBS from reporting on the abuses conducted by bureaucrats in power, the use of the alphabet-soup gang was facilitated to their usual tactics of marginalization. By falsely labeling it as a white supremacist group and a hub for fringe ideologies, along with alleged scandalous behavior by some in their leadership; its reputation was tarnished and it was relegated to obscurity.
To this day, the alphabet-soup gang remains embedded within the organization, to keep track of its members. When it comes to JBS' quality of their data gathering, they have an impressive 80% accuracy rate. The remaining 20% are results from gang members sabotaging the organization; pushing the image of a fellowship for racist and delusional individuals.
This high level of accuracy establishes the organization as a reliable source of information. Perspectives in the arena in which they cover. Those that diverge from their angle of sight; either is a fabrication from the bureaucracy or an individual with issues along the area of psychosis.
It is not recommended to join the organization due to the data collection process that is conducted by the alphabet-soup gang, which occurs once an individual becomes a member. For those interested in accessing their materials, it is advised to visit their website but only after securing whatever device one plans on using to examine such material.
In the "Supplement Materials" section, in the link above, there is a plethora of data concerning device security. By utilizing the information and fully incorporated the recommended course of action; proceeding to view material from JBS, can be done safely.
Alternatively, one can participate in their meetings without formal membership. Attending these gatherings as a non-member allows individuals to benefit from vast amounts of information without the need to officially join. The organization welcomes individuals of all races and genders (traditional view, not the alternative version).
To locate a meeting in your vicinity, please refer to their website:
Discussing the incursion of the alphabet-soup gang within the organization is impractical. Identifying them would require extreme measures, approaching cult-like strategies. This endeavor is likely to sow seeds of suspicion, transforming what are currently enjoyable social gatherings, into tense and hostile environments.
To address this issue effectively, it is advisable to seek divine intervention, through prayer. Petitioning God to eliminate individuals within the organization who are attempting to undermine its efforts; engaging in any forms of sabotage against the organization or spreading any false information.
By doing so, you are not only including people that are part of the alphabet-soup gang but you're also including all those trying to do wrong. In addition, praying that their information would be 100% accurate, would benefit everyone.
Furthermore, this topic would be incomplete without addressing the issue of TikTok's reliability. While many perceive TikTok as a platform that promotes free speech, this is not entirely accurate. The perception of unfiltered expression exists due to its disassociation from policies revolving around the bureaucracy's observation of its citizens; which is in contrast to the large American tech companies.
Relying on TikTok as a news source, is not recommended. Although I have shared TikTok videos on this platform, it is essential to recognize that the platform has a wide range of individuals, with numerous agendas, which includes large amounts of alphabet-soup members.
With TikTok not aligning with the establishment, it has become a platform that is closely monitored by the alphabet soup gang. Their mission is to manipulate and monitor the platform to gain insight and control over the content being shared. Despite their effort, these entities hold no control over the platform. For more details on TikTok, please refer to the following link.
The current state of our nation is lamentable. Once a society founded on the ideals of "we the people," we now resemble more of a collective subordinate to external dictates. People like Mr. Jones, 45/47, JBS and TikTok; all victims of bureaucrats that the Founding Fathers tried to protect us from. The instant someone imposes directives on your thoughts, true freedom dissipates.
For those who find value in this channel and wish to contribute positively; the most significant manner of doing so is through prayer. The lifting up of prayers for this channel; represents undoubtedly the most profound gift one can offer.
Given the various bureaucrats and their operatives, that support the Woke movement; I will not reveal my identity. However, you can always pray for "the individual running the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know your intentions.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!
Post Scriptum: In the section labeled "Supplemental Material:" located just below the video post date, view count and provided tags; there is valuable content worth exploring, especially on this channel. This section often contains a wealth of additional information and resources.
You may find it beneficial to peruse this section to gain further insights. The reason for the detailed explanation is to address the varied terminology used by different individuals, which can sometimes make it challenging to locate the desired content.
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