The Cell

1 year ago

"Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked."

- Proverbs 25:26

When it comes to the strange and outrageous world of conspiracy theories; no matter how wild they get, it's all protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. What happened to Alex Jones, wasn't a result of justified legal action.

Other than conspiracy theorist; people usually do not take any of it seriously. Whether we are talking about the flat earth to the moon landing being fake; most pay little mind to them. All of it was viewed upon by the general public like the tabloid, the Weekly World News (which was published from 1979 - 2007 and continues online at:

Alex Jones' cardinal sin, wasn't that he was a conspiracy theorist but rather a conspiracy theorist that had traditional values, opposed to the WOKE values system that would look to the down fall of "traditional American" values.

Though such occurrence violates the core American values, it does set legal precedent. Using any disinformation can be used to sue them for lots of money. This can NOT be left to a small group of people. The more people engaged with legal action, in sueing different agents, such as celebrities to news agencies; will break the stronghold that strangling America.

The lawyer that is linked above, is more than happy to help you to either help fight legal issues against those pushing for the unConstitutional actions; such as what Jones faced. Those seeking to make a difference, can contact him to either handle the case himself or refer you to someone who will be better suited for the job.

All is information is found in the description section of the video (which is right underneath the video, title and channel to the program but above other suggested links by Rumble).

As far as Alex Jones and conspiracy theories go...conspiracy theories was a construct to manipulate the public. Though propaganda and the use of manipulation of information has never been new but it was used during times of war. Both to galvanize the public to fight but to also mislead the enemy.

The Cold War was a conflict that facilitated a type of warfare that's never had the use of infiltration and insurgence, on a level that defined the 20th century and communism.

Even before World War 2, Soviet expansionism began in America in the 1930s. The fruits of their labor could be seen in the 1960s cultural revolution, that still carried on by the WOKE movement of today.

With the dangerous technology that ended the war in the Pacific, as well as trying to stay ahead of the global spread of Soviet conquest; America had to ensure the control of information and support of its citizens by ensuring that everyone saw whatever the administration thought best.

Situations such as the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico incident and people who allied themselves with the Soviets, such as Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, etc.; the use of psychological manipulation was used.

Part of that means of doing so, is by using what is commonly termed today as "toxic behavior." Gaslighting and it's side effects, Stockholm syndrome. The creation of "conspiracy theories" is a covert operation to maintain, group compliance.

By creating the label, "conspiracy theorist" it shuts down any conversation and the person that is labelled with it or are followers, are seen as crazies. The effectiveness of this control can still be seen today. All one needs to do is look at the mass response of conspiracy theories that have proven to be true and the reaction is still towards the "official" word given by the powers that be.

Unfortunately, the gatekeepers are corrupt, so the best interest of the average American, as well as the Founding Documents; are not what the objective of those that are currently in the arena of covert operations.

There are four types of conspiracy theorist (discounting the followers): those that have a background in the field of subject matter and is in essence a whistleblower; someone who has connections to the first type of conspiracy theorist but feel compelled to let the public know; people who have an mental health issue (everything from overactive imagination to having some form of psychosis; works for a national security agency to disinform the public.

It might seem confusing but Americans pay to get gaslit. Taxpayers are in essence paying national security agents to go deep cover to provide and be a person that provides conspiracy theories.

The reason for it? The fake news provided by these agents; they know the information is false and oftentimes outlandish, for a reason. It's to reinforce the image of conspiracy theorist to all be seen as crazy. It helps keep the typical American in line, with the "mainstream media:" ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNN & not to mention all the various sponsored programs on PBS.

Alex Jones' problem is that despite all the tactics used by national security auxiliary agents, vis-à-vis the mainstream news media, to humiliate him; his popularity kept growing.

The standard operating procedure for people who are undesirable and have access to the public stage, is first met with humiliation. Anything that can be done to make the person look a fool, is the first level of silencing someone.

If that person's success or recognition continues to grow, blackmail or moral issues will be used against a person. What Representative Matt Gaetz and former President Donald Trump, perfect examples of phase 2.

In the event nothing can be found or it doesn't effect the person popularity, than phase 3 is implemented. Where false information associated with a person, so as to shame both the person and the followers.

With earlier attempts failing to remove the individual from the stage, phase 4 is enacted. This is where one can describe it being "total warfare." People are paid to protest at the person's home and events. Legal action is taken; basically anything that can cripple someone so it creates a desire to discontinue.

When it comes to Alex Jones' ability to assess the situation and give out reliable can tell that he has a passion for conspiracy theories. Some sources in which he gathers information is reliable and others not so much. He falls into two categories the one that has information and feels obligated to do so (he is a patriot after all) but also has an active imagination, where he reads into the lines a bit too much but there is nothing there.

It's a challenge to get reliable information, without proper clearance. The best place for information, without joining a national security agency, is getting information from the John Birch Society (JBS). Founded in 1958, one would think an anti-Communist organization would be in the perfect environment to grow to be a huge political organization.

There problem wasn't Communist within the administration, at least not at that particular juncture in time. Rather it was the industrial military complex. They did not hold to America being the global police force.

People can now see how powerfully influential they are but that wasn't understood at that time and that organism did what they had to so they could make profits. With their pull with the bureaucracy, they sought to shut them down.

National security agencies did their standard practice of making organizations insignificant. Made false claims to it being a white supremacist organization and of course it was the conspiracy nuts club. Some of their leaders had sex scandals...all of which was successful in making the an obscure organization.

They even have to this day national security agents, within the organization to monitor who are the members that are part of it. Their accuracy is 80%. The 20% is a result of agents intentionally making the organization look like a club for crazies.

That 80% makes it one of the most reliable organizations as source information. If they do not have a "conspiracy theory," that's from them or supported by them; that conspiracy theory is either made up by a national security agent or someone whose crazy.

Joining the organization is NOT advisable. Again, everyone joins, that information is collected. Those that want to see their material, it's better to look at their link:

Another way to be part, without joining, go to their meetings but don't become a member. You can attend without being a member and get the benefits of gaining large amounts of information. It doesn't matter what race or gender you happen to be, they actually do accept everyone.

To find a meeting near your area, check out their website:

Avoid talking about agents being part of the fold. There's no way they could possibly weed then out, unless they took on cult-like tactics. Human nature being what it is, it'll only breed paranoia and meetings that are currently pleasant, social events; will end up being hostile.

It's also important to bring up TikTok. Many people think that TikTok is free speech. It is NOT. It only seems that way because it's not controlled by the current administration (unlike American Big Tech companies are).

It's not advisable to get news sourced from there. This might seem hypocritical, seen I've used TikTok videos on this channel. The issue here is that, as a result of the platform not being an "auxillary intelligence agent," it has a unusual amount on that platform. They aren't hard to spot but unless you're familiar with those indicators, people you meet on there might have ulterior motives for interactions.

It's unfortunate what our country has become. A nation of "we the people," are more, "we the children." The moment, someone else is deciding how you need to think, is the moment you are no longer free.

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