Red Pill, Blue Pill, Violet Pill, Good & Evil and Duality

1 year ago

Important teaching on duality to counteract and put into context a lot of material out there on darkness right now. Evil has many new names at present and is also being politicised by some (it actually has no allegiance to any creed other than itself). Many are sharing alleged (but unproven in a court of law) faces and names online to awaken us to evil BUT we need to GO BEYOND that to the next level.....waking up to darkness is just a stepping stone to much bigger truths and they all require YOU to do inner work - projection, blame game, finger pointing and calling out OTHERS will not take us anywhere,and is the separation game loop hole that has kept us in this duality consciousness for thousands of years.

God is in control of justice - we are simply asked to work on ourselves....if you choose to not run from that here are the time stamps to the teaching (a meditation video linked to this work will follow next week where you are met by two aspects of yourself - a lifetime where you were Hero and one where you played the Villain): Thank you to all who join me - let's do this ....

05:30 – Blessing of Wisdom / Calling in our Higher Self

08:00 What is Duality? Why is it the current operating system on our planet? Experiencing Separation and then journey back to God. Being exiled from Eden.

13:50 When does Duality stop? Light & Dark different sides of the same coin until we make a different choice…

17:30 We have been both Light and Dark – Past lives, Two opposing camps – two different choices

22:20 Remembering you have been both Dark and Light , two camps of tired soldiers, put down the ‘game’, when is it OVER?

26:40 – Star Wars Darth Vader

30:00 All the World’s a Stage and all the people merely players
The Great Awakening is not what you think it is …..flip of a coin decides which side we are on – the REAL Awakening is integrating and understanding BOTH as aspects of you
Remembering all your past lives – dominoes falling

38:00 Red Pill, Blue Pill, Violet Pill – Take off the rose coloured spectacles and see who you really are….then the game stops

49:50 Darkness showcases the light – a request by Metatron to stop running from yourself and your shadow.

59:33 Respect other peoples awakening and process – don’t push stage 1 Red Pill on others - you have an aftercare responsibility if you do so.

1:04 Moving to Unity Consciousness and Non Duality – ‘Getting out of the way’ / Not throwing the first stone

1:09 Sage Burn, Forgiveness Blessing for Solace & Hope

Video 2 to follow will be the healing meditation

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All of my healing and connection sprays and their channelled messages, essential oil content and crystal components are at:
Sprays mentioned: Midnight Indigo - Light in the Dark, Sunrise New Dawn

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