Toilet paper or mats for dogs: which is better?

1 year ago

Toilet paper or mats for dogs: which is better?
When acquiring a puppy, one of the challenges that owners face is training it to go potty in the right place. To do this, it is necessary to choose a specific place for the animal, such as a toilet mat or newspaper.
Newspaper is the cheapest and most accessible option, but it is also the least hygienic. Newspaper is not absorbent enough to contain all of the dog's urine, which can cause leaks and a bad smell. In addition, newspaper can contain toxic substances that can cause allergies on the animal's skin.
The hygienic mat is a more hygienic and safer option for the dog. The mats are made of an absorbent material that retains all the animal's urine and feces, preventing leaks and bad smells. In addition, hygienic mats do not contain toxic substances, which is safer for the dog's health.
The hygienic mat is the best option for those who want a hygienic and safe place for their dog to go potty. However, newspaper can be a viable option for those on a budget.
Potty training is a process that requires patience and dedication. Here are some tips to help train your puppy:
Choose a specific place for your dog to go potty. The place should be quiet and away from toys and food.
Take the puppy to the chosen spot whenever it wakes up, eats, plays or drinks water.
If the dog pees in the right place, praise it and give it a treat.
If the puppy pees in the wrong place, clean it up immediately and scold it gently.
With patience and dedication, your puppy will learn to pee in the right place.
Additional tips:
Use a toilet mat of the right size for your puppy.
Place the toilet mat in a place that is easy for your dog to reach.
Change the mat regularly, whenever it gets wet or dirty.
If your dog has trouble learning to pee in the right place, seek help from a professional trainer.

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