👆👆👆 What kind of democracy has no elections?

1 year ago

Asks US Senator Rand Paul who blasts Mad Vlad Zelensky for cancelling votes.
Not convinced by Zelensky’s poor excuses (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/28200), Paul tears Kiev regime a new one as he states Washington shouldn’t be sending money to regime that bans opposition parties (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/27712) and arrests priests (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/24033).
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About the photo:
⚡️🇬🇧 A new British children’s book has claimed, amongst other things, that black people built Stonehenge, and that Britain was a black country before white people invaded from somewhere. ‘Brilliant Black British History,’ written by a Nigerian-born author, makes several bold, provocative and completely unprovable claims about early European history, including many that flat out contradict each other.
The most egregious being that ‘race doesn’t exist,’ an argument that seemed to fall apart at the first word of the title.
In addition to the Stonehenge claim, the book also claims that the 10,000-year-old Cheddar Man had dark skin (based on an artist’s representation, rather than actual evidence), that the Romans were black, but only conquered Britain because the white British were easier to conquer than black Africans (the black British must not have been in that day.) Just, er, don’t mention all the slaves the Romans had.

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